On the bus

So can men breastfeed infants or no?? Some say yes; some even say yes of course they can and you’re a bigot for saying no.

Suzanne Moore says

Stunningly obvious that ‘lived experience’ matters. Many women here are talking about babies/breastfeeding and how difficult it can be. Then a load of ideologues telling us that men can breastfeed who clearly have never done it or ever looked after a baby? Latch on. To reality.

James Esses says

The NHS actually has official guidance on ‘Dads and breastfeeding’.

You know what it says? “Some men really like the changes in their partner’s breasts during breastfeeding”.

You know what it doesn’t say? “Men can breastfeed”.


Because they can’t.

Jean Hatchet says

My piece for @TheCriticMag on Mika Minio-Paluello being platformed by ITV claiming to be a mother. This was written before he posted a picture “breastfeeding” or it would be angrier still. ‘Men are not mothers’. Motherfaker.

Lachlan Stuart says

The image of a transwoman in a breastfeeding pose with a very young infant is deeply disturbing. Be whoever you want to be but a baby is not a prop, it is helpless and utterly dependent human. Feeding it some chemically induced goo to validate your own sense of self is abuse.

The image in question is this one:

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