Muh muh muh pronouns
Following the resignation of a member of a Burlington Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA) over another member’s unwillingness to use preferred gender-related personal pronouns, the Burlington City Council Monday night approved a resolution to redraft NPA bylaws preventing ‘gender discrimination.’
You mean discrimination against women?
Hahaha of course not, don’t be so silly.
Lee Morrigan is a biological female who identifies as non-binary. Jeff Comstock refuses to use assigned pronouns at the NPA meetings because he considers them an effort to impose an agenda on individuals and society at large.
And, let’s not forget, to burden them with the duty to keep in mind a counter-intuitive use of language, which would mean being hyper-vigilant about everything one says in the presence of gender Stalinists.
The NPAs are local advisory groups intended to increase citizen participation in civic matters. At a recent meeting of the Wards 4 & 7 (New North End) NPA steering committee, Morrigan and others tried at length to persuade fellow NPA member Jeff Comstock that it’s ‘disrespectful’ to refer to Morgan with female pronouns.
Way not to increase citizen participation in civic matters! Way to send people screaming for the doors, never to return! Way to change the subject from civic matters to one person’s greedy ego.
Morrigan: So why won’t you use my pronouns? Can you explain?
Comstock: Some folks are trying to impose their personal agendas on others. One of the concepts that I think this entire gender identity issue is failing at is the recognition of the concept that your rights end where my nose begins. There is an awful lot of cultural and social imposition of some people’s agendas on others in our society.”
Morrigan: I have a responsibility to keep myself safe. So what I’m hearing is that you are not going to use my pronouns, correct?
Comstock: And how does that impact your safety?
Morrigan: I’ve been explaining this for the past 20 minutes on how this impacts my wellbeing. You’re not going to use my pronouns, correct?
Well-being is not safety. Furthermore, referring to a woman as “she” is not a threat to anyone’s safety at a neighborhood planning meeting, especially not one in Burlington Vermont.
Monday night, the Burlington City Council approved a resolution clarifying what constitutes discrimination on the NPA level, establishes a complaint process, and creates a pathway for removing members who fail to comply.
So Comstock will be booted out and petulant whiny self-centered entitled Morrigan will return. Burlington’s loss.
Just another example of the problem with gender ideology. No issue, not the issue the board was formed for obviously, is as important as the trans/non-binary individual and their delusions. Wasting 20 minutes of time when busy people meet for a specified purpose should be ground for being removed from the board.
They say “nothing about trans without trans”. They might as well say “nothing without trans”. Everything must be first about trans, and then about something else if there is time and it doesn’t annoy anyone who is a specialized gender identity.
Holocaust? About trans. Ukraine war? About trans. Women’s rights? About trans. Health care? About trans. Thermonuclear fallout? About trans.
referring to a woman as “she” is not a threat to anyone’s safety
OMG, OMG, OMG. Never has an understatement so embodied the utter fucking rampant stupidity of this whole genderfuck. Nice going!
I’d love to hear someone in Comstock’s position reply that it’s Morrison who is threatening his safety.
Is he forcing her to utter speech she doesn’t believe, at implicit threat of violence, or loss of professional status, or other social pressure? No. She is doing that to him.
If she can force him to say she’s not a woman, which he doesn’t believe, what else that he doesn’t believe can she force him to say? Can she force him to vote for something he’s not for, or against something he’s not against, through the same coercion?
I would certainly feel unsafe on a council with someone who was empowered to dictate my words.
I’m concerned that the next step will be to mandate that any member of the public who speaks at the meeting must use their preferred pronouns as well, or be made to leave because it would affect their safety and well-being.
Making a person irritated/unhappy ==> reduced wellbeing; reduced wellbeing ==> unsafe. If we accept this logic for the sake of argument, the council chambers seem profoundly unsafe. Forced speech or removal ffs!
Aaaand pipped by Pipito.