Men are not women=the earth is flat

Rhys McKinnon aka “Veronica Ivy” is back. He…hasn’t changed. For some reason MSNBC sees fit to publish his opinion that he has every right to compete against women in cycling races.

The International Olympic Committee and international sport federations have been grappling with inclusion policies for at least 20 years

What does he mean by “inclusion policies”? Allowing men like him to steal prizes and medals from women.

Are trans women really women? If you think they are, then there’s no real debate here.

If you think they aren’t, then there’s likely nothing I can say that will change your mind. It’s a little like arguing with a flat-Earther: If someone is convinced that the Earth is flat, then they will likely find any reason, no matter how irrational, to hold on to that belief, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. 

Who is the flat-Earther here? The people who don’t buy the new ideology that says men can turn themselves into women? Or the ones who say they can they can they CAN?

Trans women are women. Trans women are female. Our sport’s governing body (cycling’s Union Cycliste Internationale, the one that banned Armstrong for life) says I’m female. My U.S. and Canadian identification documents say I’m female, including my birth certificate. My medical records all list me as female. So officials in sports, government and medicine all consider me, a trans woman, to be female. The people who disagree are just wrong.

Officials in sports, government and medicine have been coaxed and/or bullied into embracing a lie. Their embrace doesn’t make the lie true. The people who say the lie is a lie are not wrong.

Martina Navratilova
 effectively called me a cheater for being a trans woman and following all the UCI rules — and passing all my drugs tests — en route to my Masters Track Cycling World Championships.

Diddums. Now think about how all the women you cheated felt. (Mind you, he already has, of course. He likes it. He loves doing that to women.)

Bizarrely, MSNBC captions McKinnon’s op-ed with

Dr. Veronica Ivy (previously Rachel McKinnon) is an associate professor of philosophy at the College of Charleston in Charleston, S.C. She is currently writing a book on trans and intersex women athletes’ rights.

But the College of Charleston got rid of him – denied him tenure, upon which he quit – two years ago.

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