Largely hypothetical risk
Guardianista Kathryn Bromwich tells us what we should worry about:
Judging by column inches alone, you might be forgiven for thinking that the thing keeping women awake at night is not femicide, sexual assault, plummeting rape convictions, stalking, unequal pay, the erosion of reproductive rights, workplace discrimination, rampant online misogyny, an institutionally sexist police force, healthcare inequality, insufficient childcare provisions, or never being allowed to age.
While all these issues do get reported, a disproportionate amount of attention is given to another topic: men masquerading as trans women in order to gain access to single-sex spaces.
That’s actually not “another topic.” It’s the same topic. Men pretending to be women are relevant to femicide, sexual assault, rampant online misogyny, along with a lot of things Bromwich carefully didn’t mention, such as opportunities in sports.
Over the past few years this idea has become so pervasive it is now inescapable in the media, culture, higher education, politics and sports; Ipso research shows that reporting of trans issues increased by 400% between 2009 and 2019.
Stop right there. The idea under discussion was men in single-sex spaces. That’s a much narrower subject than “trans issues.”
Either way, though, of course “trans issues” are being reported on more. The number of people calling themselves trans has skyrocketed, just for a start. There’s a feedback loop here: trans is a hot topic so lots more people hear about it lots more often so some of them think “Heyyy, that’s for me,” so there are more people calling themselves trans, so there’s more discussion of them, so more of them think “I’m one!” and on the loop goes.
It is worth noting that trans people make up roughly 0.5% of the UK population; instances of men infiltrating women-only spaces are few and far between (in Ireland, where self-identification has been legal since 2015, there has been no discernible adverse impact).
Is this deliberate deception? She can’t really be that dim, can she? It’s not about just literal physical “spaces” – it’s about jobs and promotions and prizes and sports and politics and pretty much everything. It’s about men supplanting us in every part of life they can get at. It’s about men trying to bully us out of feminism, and often succeeding. It’s about women getting fired, punished, boycotted, berated for not agreeing that men can be women. It’s not just the toilet, it’s the ontology.
With so many real threats to women’s safety, it is confounding that this much time and attention is being lavished on a largely hypothetical risk. Every single case of someone being attacked is unacceptable, and everything must be done to protect women’s safety. Many cisgender women who support trans rights, myself included, have personal experience of sexual assault and take the topic extremely seriously. But the main threat to women comes overwhelmingly from men, not from trans women, who should not be penalised for the actions of predatory men.
Oh dear god. Yes, the main [physical] threat to women comes overwhelmingly from men, and men who call themselves women are men. That’s the whole point. We’re being ordered, with menaces, to agree that men who say they are women are indeed women, and we refuse because men who say they are women are still men. Anyone can say anything; saying isn’t magic. Men are men, regardless of what they say.
Excluding anyone on the basis of biological difference demonstrates a spectacular failure of empathy…
Huh. Does it? So if I exclude elephants from the category “birds” that’s a spectacular failure of empathy?
Also, speaking of empathy, how about the spectacular failure of empathy of hulking men like Lia Thomas and Rachel McKinnon and Austin Killips destroying women’s sports?
What a contemptible pile of nonsense this article is.
Well, not everything. Two sentences later, trans women are prioritised over single sex spaces, spelling their end.
I am more inclined to classify it as a heap of shit.
So am I, really, but I try to keep the swearing to a minimum here, because overuse enfeebles it.
Consistently missing the point over and over again. Has she EVER read a gender critical writer? As you say, it’s not the “trans” part. It’s that they’re men.
She acknowledges the threat of male violence against women but refuses to process how “TWAW” means that abused women seeking shelter might now have to share a room with a physical male. It means that women in prisons (most of them victims of abuse and incarcerated for non-violent crimes) have to live 24-7 with men, some of whom are convicted rapists, and it doesn’t matter whether they genuinely believe they’re women or are just taking advantage of “Self-ID.”
“Self-ID” not only allows someone with delusions of gender to abuse themselves. It is also opening the door and rolling out the red carpet to male predators.
Does she genuinely not see this or is she lying tactically for some strange reason?
Except for women in Ireland, of course.
She ought to be doing an internet search for one ‘Barbie Kardashian’. You can’t get more discernible than him.
Anyway, what does ‘largely hypothetical’ even mean? Either something is hypothetical, or there is evidence that it exists or has happened – in which case, it is no longer hypothetical, but fact. You can’t have qualified hypotheticals; that makes zero sense. Like the rest of the dross. At least shit can be used as fertiliser.
Nope, never happens.
There are several inaccuracies here:
• The number of articles about trans people skyrocketing is mostly due to the general anti-transgender moral panic that was initiated in 2015 by the US religious right post Obergefell, we literally have the transcripts and receipts they decided to target trans people as a wedge strategy and this also overflowed to the UK. The vast majority of those articles are outright bigotry at worst, strongly negative and misrepresentative on average.
• The central thesis of the article you’re responding to. The argument is not “trans women are irrelevant to the issues women face”, but that excluding trans women specifically, is irrelevant to improving the plight of women in these areas. Trans women, as a tiny minority who also face (and every study on the issue agrees) femicide, sexual assault, plummeting rape convictions, stalking, unequal pay, the erosion of reproductive rights, workplace discrimination, rampant online misogyny, an institutionally sexist police force, healthcare inequality, insufficient childcare provisions, or never being allowed to age, at a greater rate than cis women, removing some of their civil rights will not improve those issues.
The legal, social, material and practical position of cis women in modern society will be helped none, and there are many examples of it deteriorating, by eroding trans rights or promoting hatred against trans and gender nonconforming people in general.
I would advise you to read the original post and the subsequent comments again.
=8)-DX @#8: Google ‘trans woman assaults woman’. See how you go.
IMHO it’s as good a cover for a male predator as letting a fox into a chicken’ yard. And the trans lobby can only make it worse. NB: As a male, I have no fear of any woman who wants to stand near or next to me at a public urinal. Of course, she would have to manage her/’his’ whole act to be splash-free, which on the face of it would take some considerable skill on her/’his’ part.
@ =8/-DX Out of all the sperm to win the race…
I envy everyone who hasn’t met you.
Yeah sure 8 DIX, men face femicide, sexual assault, plummeting rape convictions, the erosion of reproductive rights, rampant online misogyny, and an institutionally sexist police force at a greater rate than women do. That makes all the sense in the world.
If you’re going to lie, make it a whopper, eh =8)-DX?
Citations fucking needed.
Men can’t face femicide, so don’t bother with that one. Nor are there any restrictions being placed on male reproductive rights, or any of their civil rights for that matter, so go ahead and pass on those too. Any other whoppers you want to try to troll people with?
=8)-DX repeating outright falsehoods isn’t making the anti-reality side look any better, is it?
It’s not the gender critical who are demanding that rights shoud be taken away from men or women who claim to be ‘trans’; it’s men and boys who claim to be ‘trans’ who are demanding special privileges which take away the privacy and rights of women and girls, and women who claim to be ‘trans’ who are, to a lesser extent, demanding special privileges to invade the privacy of men (in particular, straight women invading the clubs of homosexual men).
That doesn’t explain the noticeable wave of very pro-trans reporting in NZ and Australia over recent years, and the distinctly positively slanted media coverage (traditional and modern) of the issues in general.
It doesn’t seem that long since this used to be reported as 0.1-0.2%, then it became 0.3%, now it’s 0.5%. But sure, no social contagion at all. Then again, there seems to be a move to try and pull an ever widening definition of what trans actually is, such that ‘cis’ heterosexual people are claiming to be TQN while still presenting as their birth sex and being in traditional relationships. The question asked in the recent NZ census was so over broad that I’m fully expecting the % in NZ to jump dramatically as a result.
She’s just being “kind”. I’ve had a TRA tell me that “she” was just being kind by dismissing everything I’d said as the consequence of ignorance. When you’re righteous facts are beneath you and “kindness” is the new righteousness. I blame Disney. ( I’m only half-joking. Disneyfied kindness is to actual empathy what McDonald’s is to food.))
Only 1-3% of Catholic priests are pedophiles. As Bill Donohue will gladly tell you, acknowledging that fact in any terms at all is ant-Papist hate crime.
@=8 #8:
Do those points still stand if, instead of assuming that transwomen are a type of woman, you assume they’re a type of man?
Omar #10
“Of course, she would have to manage her/’his’ whole act to be splash-free, which on the face of it would take some considerable skill on her/’his’ part.”
I have heard of a device consisting of a funnel & tube to make it relatively easy for a woman to pee standing up. I think it is mostly intended for women outdoors in cold weather, but if the line to the women’s toilet is longer than the men’s I think it would be useful inside.