Guest post: The Affirmative Affirmation Foundation
Guest post by Jonathan A. Gallant
Some children, particularly at early ages, like to imagine themselves being cats, dogs, lambs, or other lovable animals, and they display their choice by making appropriate animal noises.
I have established a foundation to help empower such children in their new identity. The program, which we call affirmative affirmation, provides psychological affirmation, instruction about the animal of choice, imitation fur, and such medical interventions—pharmacological, dermatological, and surgical—as may become available as cutting-edge research in this exciting new area proceeds. Contributions to the foundation can be sent directly to me, preferably in cash. We accept $, but no longer accept British, Swedish or Finnish currency.
As I identify as a giraffe, ever lovable and genteel, I believe that I am eligible for a cut of all that moola. It will assist us in the MSSIGC (Money-Starved-Self- Identifying Giraffe Community) enormously, I assure you, and will help us finance a number of our most outstanding projects. The latter include a most important one currently being undertaken by our Giraffe-Identifiers (GIs) in the Bahamas.
I used to imagine myself as a a mountain lion, so I certainly expect all those lambs etc. to accommodate me appropriately now. Carnivore rights are animal rights, right?
I can recall, almost forty years ago, a college friend suggesting that I identify as R2D2.
What about children who identify as vehicles such as cars, tanks, airplanes, or the Starship Enterprise and what not, is there a charity for those children (and adults)?
Don’t forget: If you tell a child he or she isn’t a giraffe, you are denying their existence.
Species are a spectrum, so humans are giraffes.
Colonialism invented the human-giraffe binary.
If you don’t give a MSSIGC child giraffe-affirming medicine and giraffe-affirming surgery, the child will commit suicide.
If someone identifies as a giraffe, don’t invalidate their identity! You can’t see your chromosomes, can you?
If your mother ever expresses any GERF (Giraffe Exclusionary Radical Feminist) views, don’t worry. Novara media will tell you to say to her “‘look, if you don’t fucking fix up, I’m not really interested in having an endless debate with you, I will just leave.’”
Sophie Lewis says “the traditional practice of grooming kids into humanity and non-giraffeness is quasi-universally supported and encouraged”, and this is why we must abolish all forms of the family.
Roz Kaveney: says “Some GERFs don’t believe humans can become giraffes.
We need to look at them and sneer
Not just Giraffe Pride.
Giraffe Arrogance.”
MC: All of the above noted and endorsed.
Would giraffes be an invasive species in Australia?
Would trans-giraffes be invasive?
@7: Maybe they would be trans-invasive.
Since humans are invasive in Australia, having found their way there from Africa, I’m not sure there would be any more problem with a GiH than with an actual giraffe…or an actual human.
Jim @#7: I’d say ‘yes’ on both counts. While normal hetero giraffes I would expect to outbreed the trans form, if the trans type humans are anything to go by, the trans-giraffes would go about generating so much noise and publicity re themselves as to outbreed the rabbits in pre-myxo and pre-calici times..