Guest post: Are they just pretending not to know?
Originally a comment by Artymorty on A good teacher wouldn’t do this.
There’s no doubt that it’s a sexual fetish. We can even speculate about its roots, because there’s quite a lot we know about this kind of fetish in men. It’s likely that in his childhood, as his sexuality was undergoing its first spurts of hormonal awakening, he suddenly discovered a great interest in the breasts of one of his schoolteachers. A schoolboy-crushing-on-schoolteacher’s-breasts narrative became a fetishistic fantasy that never went away for him, and because he’s got the “sex-role-reversal” glitch that drives most crossdressing straight men, he’s now fixated on playing out the role of the teacher with the breasts that will captivate the student. In his case, he’s gotta make the “breasts” as big and captivating as he possibly can. And he seems to be completely out of control, like an addict gone off the deep end. He’s taken his hands off the wheel and the brake lines have been cut. (Sorry, I’m mixing my metaphors again!) I know it’s unpleasant to think about it. Because it’s unpleasant! He’s very much enacting his sexual fantasies in a room full of children. It’s truly awful. He should be fired, criminally charged, and forced to get therapy.

But I’m equally furious at the school board. Do they really not know that this is a fetish? Or are they just pretending not to know? Do they think culture war politics override the safety of the students? It enrages me. I know (or knew, as they’ve mostly abandoned me by now) far too many people who would look at this story and see it as nothing but an unpleasant culture-war episode. They see the fetishistic abuser teacher and all they can think is, “Boy, those evil MAGA monsters from the bad tribe are gonna use this to score points against the vulnerable trans people in our good progressive tribe” and then they just try and put it out of their minds (because no one likes to dwell on the times when their enemy got the upper hand and scored a hit) and completely forget about the part with the ACTUAL REAL LIVE KIDS getting actually harmed by this asshole.
Artymorty is absolutely right. How did this become normalized?! When I was a kid (about 50 years ago), we weren’t taught to be ashamed of sexuality, but we were taught that it had a time and a place. Or, that is, at least I was taught that way. Fetish displays by teachers in front of kids was neither the time nor the place! Perhaps I have just evolved into being an old curmudgeon. I know that I haven’t become conservative, because I would have said the same thing when I was 21, too.
Well, no, it’s not curmudgeonism to think teachers shouldn’t carry on like this goon on the job. Maybe it will be normalized eventually but it damn well hasn’t been yet.
But why the people in charge at the school aren’t telling him to stop it this minute I have no idea.
I’d ask why the school board allows this, but we all know why: they’re afraid of being called “bigots” by the tiny percentage of TQ+ people who make themselves loudly annoying in support of every weird fetish on earth.
Well, you have to hand it to them. Each member of the Trans lobby is very well-versed in making everything he/she/it touches all about ‘me, me, me, me …….”
As much as kids shouldn’t be subjected this unabashed AGP acting out his fetish in public, I think they’re less harmed by him than they are by the run-of-the-mill, “respectable” teachers who promulgate gender woo (whether out of true belief or because they fear the consequences of noncompliance). If anything, the students who are forced to witness the antics of this sex clown will likely develop a healthy skepticism of all things trans.
The revelation that this is a performance for his school roles has got to have been known by people long before this revelation, and yes, even the members of the school board must have been aware that he goes back into “Boy Mode” after he returns home. Oakville may be a suburb of Toronto, but it’s not so large that he could escape notice at the malls for Safeways around. I’m with James, this is all too blatant that he is practicing his fetish for the kids to add to his thrill.
If it is a stunt, albeit an utterly obnoxious one, he seems determined to carry on. He’s now attempting to re-write current reality and even history.
And of course he’s an interfaker too.
Does he have any female students? I wonder because I doubt many of his male students would actually complain… they may enjoy the sight or just don’t want to be bullied by their peers or anything in between. And IME if students (or their parents, if minors) don’t complain, the school doesn’t care.
@ibbica, re female students:
I think I have commented on this before (possibly even here) that if one wanted to find a way to discourage high school girls from signing up for shop class, one could hardly do worse than having the teacher perform this sort of in-your-face parody of womanhood.