Define them

Well this is the thing, isn’t it. Trans rights. What are they? What, exactly, are they? Is it a “right” to force everyone to agree that one is something one is not? If so, how do we know that’s a right? What chain of reasoning or history of injustices shores up the claim that that is a right? Is it a “right” for men to help themselves to everything set aside for women on the grounds that they are trans women? If so, how, why, on what grounds, and what about women who object?

Well I for one do indeed question both gender ideology and claims about “trans rights” that never ever ever explain exactly what these rights are and how they were discovered or established or justified or explained or anything at all besides asserted.

Is there a right for men to take everything women have on the grounds that the men are trans, i.e. that they claim to be women? Is there? Is that universally agreed to be a right? So universally that it fits seamlessly into the UDHR, the actual official written down Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Can Laurie Penny tell us where to find a record of this universal agreement? Can she explain how that can be a right without canceling women’s rights? Can she explain how and why that would be fair and just?

Many people have asked in reply to that tweet. Naturally she hasn’t responded.

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