Watch the clip.
Dude with pink backpack has shades and a thick scarf obscuring his face. He’s about twice as tall as the women he’s bullying. He stalks around towering over the women and grabbing their signs; he crushes the signs right in their faces, performing the “I’m so furious I’m just on the edge of smashing your face with my fist” ritual. Dude is this “community” in a nutshell: full of hatred and contempt for women who refuse, and big and strong enough to terrorize such women without breaking a sweat.
Updating to add what I forgot to say: he knows which people are women. They’re the one he bullies, because he’s bigger than they are.
This arsehole knows he looks like something out of a bad horror movie and I’m pretty sure he’s getting off on it (emotionally if not physically). Thankfully the women resisted the temptation to be drawn into his little pantomime. Thing is, intimidating but also ridiculous isn’t exactly a good look except perhaps in his own mind. Best let them have as much rope as they want, at least if you have a camera running.
As with the asshole in Nanaimo, this guy would not even begin to behave like this toward men. The Nanaimo assailant is obese, and would be gasping for air in seconds. This bully is scrawny and would drop like a sack with one good punch. But he knows his target.