Being shouted down
Men on the left shouting down women on the left who dare to defend women’s rights. Same old same old same old.
Because it’s only women. Women don’t count the way men do. Women aren’t fully people the way men are. Women are a little bit empty, a little bit trivial, a little bit unreal. They just don’t matter all that much.
How long is a piece of string? How short is short-sightedness? Those ‘Labour colleagues’ are the winners in a political scramble that ends for each male contestant when he has clawed his way to the top of the political tree, obviously without heed to the welfare of the women in his life: mother (presuming he has/had one) wife (if any) lover (if any) daughter/s (if any). Also grandmothers (2).
Politicians IMHO would best be appaointed in the same manner as jurors: by drawing names out of a hat or barrel. Self-nomination banned.
Each time we discuss cutting the apron strings and becoming an independent Republic I always propose the most Australian way ever to “elect” a President.
Australians are the world’s biggest gamblers. I propose a national lottery for President, to be held every two years. Funds raised by the lottery could help fund the office of the President.
I was thinking the general quality of the House would be improved by a random lottery. Sure, you’d get the loons, but not in the same numbers.
How about juries appointed in the same manner as are Australian politicians? Imagine if you were on trial for some alleged crime or other, and you looked at the jurors and saw the likes of Peter Dutton, Michaelia Cash, ‘Scummo’ Morrison, ‘Bonking Barnaby’ Joyce, Paul Suharto I mean Keating, Pauline Hanson, Tony Abbott, Paul Keating I mean Suharto….
You would be one shandy off the horrors.