Associated with

Women may not have anything for women. Women may not defend the rights of women. Women may not tell the truth about who is a woman. Women must sit down and shut up. The Great Western Railway says so.

The website of a gender-critical group was blocked on a train’s Wi-Fi network for being linked to “terrorism and hate”, it has emerged.

Sex Matters, which campaigns against the adoption of gender ideology and argues that biological sex is a reality, had its web page blocked by Great Western Railway.

Those attempting to access the site, which raises concerns about gender reassignment surgery as well as about men in women’s prisons, hospital wards and sporting events, received a message that stated: “The domain is blocked by GWR because it’s associated with the terrorism and hate category.”

Is it now. What a very strategic use of the passive voice. Associated with the terrorism and hate category by whom? One green-haired activist in Stoke Newington? And associated with in what sense? Just in the sense that the green-haired activist says so?

Ah well, you can’t be too careful, can you.

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