A huge advocate
The Daily Mail [sorry] on putting a man in charge of an endometriosis charity:
Endometriosis South Coast (ESC) announced on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Labour activist Steph Richards would be leading the organisation.
Ms Richards has previously claimed trans people can change their biological sex ‘a little bit’ and boasted about running a ‘safe space’ where men could dress up as women in secret, including as ‘schoolgirls’.
He can combine the two! He can run his safe space for men who dress up as schoolgirls out of his office as CEO!
The charity explained that
‘Steph is a huge advocate for what people on the endo community go through.’
The what? It’s a community? Is every disease a community? How are diseases communities?
‘This is why they were appointed, not because they have their own endo journey.’
Oh please. The point is that he can’t possibly have his own “endo journey” while women can and therefore it’s 1. pointless and 2. wildly insulting to jump over all the women who could have done the CEO job and appoint a man instead. Wildly and, let me add, deliberately. There’s no way the people on the board didn’t know this was a calculated insult and taunt. They didn’t just happen to appoint a man, they did it on purpose, to make some kind of stupid sick twisted point. “This is incloooosion, so suck it up, you cows.”
Feminist author Milli Hill also took issue with Ms Richards’ appointment, arguing on X that it was no different to the case last year where a man was appointed Scotland’s first ever period dignity officer.
That position, controversially given to tobacco salesman turned macho personal trainer Jason Grant, was axed following the furore.
So let’s do it all over again!
Even accepting the board’s claim that all it takes to properly run an org like this is that the CEO have a certain degree of empathy and understanding for people who actually are at risk or have suffered from endo, and therefore there’s no reason to limit it to just actual women, it becomes absurd for them to also claim that that level of empathy was only found in a transwoman. A man whose wife or daughter went through that trauma would probably be infinitely more qualified for the post on that basis, and you can’t tell me that there’s no more qualified business-minded individuals with that sort of experience. So why this person? Not in spite of being trans, but because of it. There’s no other explanation.
It mightn’t be necessarily wrong to appoint a man, if the man had, for instance, expertise in the treatment of endometriosis. That is, a medical professional with the right credentials in the field. That’s not what this is. This is a clown appointment.