Your instructions

Hmmm let’s see.

Correct yourself briefly and move on.

No. I was right, so I’m not going to correct myself.

Interrupt people with quick corrections.

Not in a million years. They weren’t wrong, so I’m not going to correct them any more than I’m going to correct myself, and anyway I wouldn’t correct them if they were “wrong.” Officiously interrupting people to correct them on something that doesn’t matter in the first place is not a fun hobby.

Don’t complain about how hard it is!

Don’t tell me what to complain about! Who do you think you are? Anyway I don’t care how hard it is, because I have no intention of doing it in the first place.

Say “thank you” when someone corrects you.

How about “fuck off”? Will that do? It will have to do, because I’m certainly not going to say thanks.

Try practicing new pronouns with a friend!

You think my friends are that tedious and dim-witted? You must be thinking of your friends.

Last: don’t apologize profusely.

Oh that’s an easy one. See if you can figure out why.

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