I'm at Westminster Mags Court where three Metropolitan police officers are accused of sending grossly offensive messages in which they joked about sexually assaulting domestic violence victims and much more. This will be a thread.
Court told that Neville acted out a "rape fantasy" on a vulnerable, disturbed 15yo girl, who referred to restraining and pinning her down as a "struggle snuggle"
If it’s not that, it’s intimidating warning visits to stop women from being “untoward to paedophiles” or policing “offensive” tweets. Throw in the selfies with dead women, and actually murdering women and you’ve got shit policing all round. Actual criminals must be very happy.
Ah yes that’s what you want in cops who deal with domestic violence.
I’ve seen numerous US lawyers refer to 40% of police as domestic abusers. Not sure, but I believe this relates to a survey of police somewhere in the States, and that was the percentage that actually admitted to such behaviour.
If it’s not that, it’s intimidating warning visits to stop women from being “untoward to paedophiles” or policing “offensive” tweets. Throw in the selfies with dead women, and actually murdering women and you’ve got shit policing all round. Actual criminals must be very happy.
I’ve seen numerous US lawyers refer to 40% of police as domestic abusers. Not sure, but I believe this relates to a survey of police somewhere in the States, and that was the percentage that actually admitted to such behaviour.