Donald Trump has only $93 million in cash left, according to Forbes. His properties are all indebted.
The Trumps could potentially owe $100 to $300 million or more in back taxes, restitution, and penalties — and that’s just in the NY AG civil case alone.
Who’s this guy? He’s a former Assistant DA for New York state, who prosecuted Trump “university.” He’s probably not just making this up.
Trump’s cash crunch helps explain why he needed to strong-arm the Republican National Committee into paying his legal fees for his criminal defense, $1.6 million and counting.
I’m not certain that my body could handle the rush of schadenfreude that I’d experience if this somehow has the effect of ruining Trump. I might have to go live in the mountains, alone, without heating or electric lights.
I’m going to be a wet blanket. unless Trump is an idiot (possible) and all his business advisors are also idiots (very unlikely), then pretty much all of his businesses and assets will be set up as LLC’s. That means that he personally is likely to be insulated from any debts they owe, unless there is some breach of Statute that enable a claw back. This is classic rich person stuff. You can claim incredible personal wealth because you’re the controlling interest behind these companies, but insulate yourself from much if not all the liability – unless you’re stupid enough to personally guarantee 738 M in debts when you have 93 M in cash. I’d be surprised if Trump ever officially had much more cash than that to his name. The rest, even when not indebted, would have been in company structures.
Even if there is an absolute bonfire of his companies, he’ll still be far from destitute in the way any of us would understand that term. Then there’s the huge sum of money his PACs have raised. Sure, he’s not supposed to use that to fund his lifestyle. But if he and his kids – erstwhile ‘advisors’ – continue to make a chunk of their lives making political noise, there are ways of heavily subsidising much of their lifestyle. All while peddling influence which might well translate into cash as well. Remembering that the SCOTUS has just pretty much said as long as there is no direct quid pro quo it’s not corruption.
Sorry to be a downer, but even if there is some pain coming Trump’s way, I don’t see ruin. Boy, I’ll celebrate if there is though.
@Rob – that sounds very plausible. For those of us with salaries, mortgages and a modest pension fund, rich people’s finances are an absolute mystery – that you are told of huge losses in 8 figures but it doesn’t mean ending up in a shared flat with no car.
What Rob said. Also, the bitter truth is that, in becoming President, Trump won himself a permanent get-out-of-jail-free card for any white-collar crimes he or his children commit. The Democrats will always — and not without cause — be wary of the precedent they would set for imprisoning a former president, and the Republicans would use that precedent to the fullest extent allowed by their fascist fantasies.
‘Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.
I’m not certain that my body could handle the rush of schadenfreude that I’d experience if this somehow has the effect of ruining Trump. I might have to go live in the mountains, alone, without heating or electric lights.
And empty your mind; banish all thoughts. Trump could be of great assistance to you there, were he to manage to stay clear of the hoosegow.
He could give you a lead by example. I’m sure that if he shook his head, it would rattle.
I’m going to be a wet blanket. unless Trump is an idiot (possible) and all his business advisors are also idiots (very unlikely), then pretty much all of his businesses and assets will be set up as LLC’s. That means that he personally is likely to be insulated from any debts they owe, unless there is some breach of Statute that enable a claw back. This is classic rich person stuff. You can claim incredible personal wealth because you’re the controlling interest behind these companies, but insulate yourself from much if not all the liability – unless you’re stupid enough to personally guarantee 738 M in debts when you have 93 M in cash. I’d be surprised if Trump ever officially had much more cash than that to his name. The rest, even when not indebted, would have been in company structures.
Even if there is an absolute bonfire of his companies, he’ll still be far from destitute in the way any of us would understand that term. Then there’s the huge sum of money his PACs have raised. Sure, he’s not supposed to use that to fund his lifestyle. But if he and his kids – erstwhile ‘advisors’ – continue to make a chunk of their lives making political noise, there are ways of heavily subsidising much of their lifestyle. All while peddling influence which might well translate into cash as well. Remembering that the SCOTUS has just pretty much said as long as there is no direct quid pro quo it’s not corruption.
Sorry to be a downer, but even if there is some pain coming Trump’s way, I don’t see ruin. Boy, I’ll celebrate if there is though.
@Rob – that sounds very plausible. For those of us with salaries, mortgages and a modest pension fund, rich people’s finances are an absolute mystery – that you are told of huge losses in 8 figures but it doesn’t mean ending up in a shared flat with no car.
What Rob said. Also, the bitter truth is that, in becoming President, Trump won himself a permanent get-out-of-jail-free card for any white-collar crimes he or his children commit. The Democrats will always — and not without cause — be wary of the precedent they would set for imprisoning a former president, and the Republicans would use that precedent to the fullest extent allowed by their fascist fantasies.
“This is classic rich person“. The one thing the CCP does well is punish…seriously…the more nefarious members of its plutocrat class.
“This is classic rich person“. The one thing the CCP does well is punish…seriously…the more nefarious members of its plutocrat class.
Our owners rarely pay for their crimes.