Think of all the unborn fleas
How stupid is this?
Why not also tear your hair over all the couples who split up before having children? All the couplings that didn’t result in pregnancies? All the billions of potential pregnancies that were just sexual assaults that didn’t quite get the job done? We don’t need more people. Better people, more generous people, more decent people, more unlike Ted Cruz people, yes, but more numbers, no. We’re racing toward the cliff of climate disaster, so maximizing the possible number of new people would be a cruelty.
The fantasy about “unborn children” sitting in there looking forward to the ice cream and kittens and dancing is as ridiculous as the fantasy about changing sex by saying you have changed sex.
Presumably Teddy here is going to outlaw male masturbation now, too, if he’s going to be consistent.
I don’t care a bit about other peoples’ zygotes.
I had a Mormon friend who joined — and then quit — a local “Pro-Life” group. She was still against allowing the legalization of abortion, but she was disturbed by the theology of most of the members. They believed, yes, that people exist before conception and that abortion means the sobbing little cherubs are prevented from being born. She thought that was both blasphemous and ridiculous.
I gave her some credit for that last bit, but since we were on the topic I pointed out that most of her Mormon beliefs were pretty loony tunes. The real issue then was that it was blasphemous. If the Book of Mormon or LDS authorities endorsed it, she wouldn’t think it ridiculous. Again to her credit, she laughed and agreed.
Every viable combination of human DNA that failed to be realized was a potential person who got off the hook too easy, dodged the bullet, wasn’t made to suffer! I can understand why someone like Cruz considers that a tragedy…
Thus sayeth the LORD:
Fred Clark tells us what heaven must REALLY be like.
The “every potential life that doesn’t come into existence is a tragedy” is a bizarre argument. It’s similar to the “but what if *I* had been aborted?” argument, though that one has an added bit of egotism, like the universe just couldn’t get along without YOU, glorious YOU!
I’m also curious to see the Venn diagram of “people who believe every potential child must be born” with “people who believe that poor people should just stop having so damn many kids”
Every zygote that doesn’t reach baby status is a potentially lucky person who did not reach the state of unwanted children. Being an unwanted, possibly abused, child is not a fate anyone should wish on another being.
Don’t forget that a lot, maybe most, of these “pro-lifers” don’t think contraception or divorce (at least by women) should be permitted either. The end game is to enforce the decree that personhood begins at conception. Consider the implications of that for a pregnant woman. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them think personhood occurs sooner than conception- loonies. And of course a lot of them will be saying that poor people shouldn’t have children – no contraception though!
The catholic teaching laid down on me for birth control was that it was pleasure without consequence, which is very telling of the push against abortion. The only reason that the Rhythm method is taught as acceptable is that it often fails. The Church thrives on shame and misery, it makes it all easier to sell salvation and redemption. The shame of a teen mother is not having a baby, it’s having sex. The shame of being a single mother of an adult age is the same. With abortion, no one might know to wag their finger.
It’s not the babies.
That’s interesting. One wonders: so what? So what if it’s pleasure without consequence? Watching a sunset is pleasure without consequence; so what?