“The gender critical narrative”
Billy Bragg is happy about it though. Well he would be.
Imagine working in local government (as I have, working for the Zoo and the Aquarium and the Parks Department) and having your union make declarations of belief in obvious lies. The union’s position is clear: men are women. Brilliant.
Wholly manufactured “links” between sex-recognizing women and the far right: there aren’t any such ” links,” except for the trivial recognition that sex is real. Even two-year-olds know that.
This is why I decided to avoid returning to academia. I started out there and then moved to private industry and had been toying with the idea of returning to teaching in a more active sense as a sort of soft descent into retirement, but my local university is infested with all-trans-all-the-time activity, and I discovered to my great despair that instructors are formally required to sign on to exactly this kind of crap. I guess I’ll just work myself to death in my current job, where at least they are clear that the only thing that matters is soaking the last dollar out of the unwitting customers.
Kindly don’t work yourself to death there. (Or anywhere.)
@maddog – yes, agreeing on one topic means wholesale adoption of rightwing values.
I like motorcyles, and a whole lot of RW Trumpers do too. So far, I’ve managed not to invade the capitol.