The “from hell” part is accurate enough
Anna Slatz on the Cork outrage:
Susan Stryker, a transgender Professor of gender studies at the University of Arizona, is the first of three keynote presenters at the 25th Lesbian Lives conference, which is being held in March at the University of Cork in Ireland. Its 2022 theme is “solidarity.”
Stryker was one of the first academics who sought to apply critical race theorist Kimberlé Crenshaw’s concept of “intersectionality” to males who insisted they could become women. In 2020, Stryker wrote an article for Time Magazine drawing and relying on the history of racial segregation to claim that women were merely a social construct. Such comparisons have been extensively decried by Black feminists.
Thus performatively underlining what a man he is – entitled, domineering, contemptuous of women. Women simply can’t pull off that kind of dominance display because everyone would just laugh.
But Stryker’s most infamous work is a 1993 essay subtitled Preforming Transgender Rage, in which he describes himself as a “Harley-straddling, dildo-packing leatherdyke from hell.”
Oh it’s “dildo-packing” now. How “playful.”
So many of these dudes look like someone you really don’t want to meet in a dark alley.