Scary guy
Great god almighty.
He’s “always been drawn to things that are deeply impactful” – like mutilating children’s genitals.
“We try to live with our values thirty to forty years in the future,” he says. “So and that puts us in a mindset of extreme affirmation cuz affirmation at that time is a foregone conclusion.”
Does he then explain how he knows that? No, of course not, he just assumes that he somehow has a magical ability to know that in 30 or 40 years everyone will think it’s fine to carve up and drug children to make them resemble the opposite sex. Not a word about how the emergencies of global warming will by then be making surgical “affirmation” a hobby of interest to absolutely no one.
In the future, he blithely tells us, “gender is just a thing, nobody makes a big deal out of it, children and adolescents are being screened for their gender journey.”
Guy’s a nightmare. Listen to the whole thing.
Could be a misprint there. His name might not be Mosser, but Moses: he of Biblical fame who some believe knocked about in the Middle East around 1500 BC, and who received his orders and instructions directly from Him Upstairs, and on the strength of that, cooked up the Ten Commandments (originally eleven, but he tripped over a rock or something on the way down the mountain and one got smashed: (according to noted authority Mel Brooks.)
Which leads me to suggest that rather than hacking into kids’ genitals, he should consider a possible career as a fortune-teller in an amusement park, which has the added advantage of being pretty well insulated against future lawsuits for getting it wrong.
They’re not going to make a big thing of it, they’re just going to screen everyone from birth and deform their bodies if they don’t like the stereotypically correct things for their sex.
“Deeply impactful.” “Gender journey.”
I didn’t include those by accident! “Impactful” makes me tear my hair out in clumps.
Not that “gender journey” is any better. Just it’s not as fashionable yet.
Oh I know. I knew you’d feel that way about it.
“Journey” is the one that gets me to grinding my teeth. I know I’ve said this before. Any sort of goal is a “journey.” Probably picked up by terminally earnest and self-involved people from Jung via Joseph Campbell. We’re all heroes on a journey. Puke.
“When I have meetings with people who are going to be in my movies I can tell if they’re going to have a sense of humor or not. If they use the word ‘journey’ too much, I don’t hire them.”
–John Waters
Seriously. I’m not in a position to hire them but if I were I wouldn’t. Furthermore I wouldn’t be friends with them or talk to them or sit next to them at a dinner if I could help it. I can’t bear earnestness.
@Omar #1
There were 15 Commandments in that film.
The 15 Commandments scene. It’s worth watching for Brooks’s delivery.
“Respect” has always struck me as one of those irregular
verbsnouns, with meanings ranging from “I treat you with a modicum of dignity” to “how dare you not worship me and obey my every whim”. “Extreme respect” has to be on the sociapathic end.My favorite Commandments skit was the George Carlin one. He reduced them to one ☝️
Impactful. Mindful. Everything journey. Change-maker. All of these are staples of academia these days; it’s one reason I avoid any meetings that aren’t mandatory. The jargon, the buzzwords…I once counted the buzzwords one of our administrator used. In the first two minutes, she used more than seven.
Don’t you fill out a buzzword bingo card at such meetings?
Nobody making a big about gender wouldn’t involve hormones and surgery.
Let’s take the gender-sex distinction seriously*. If gender-women (as I’ll call them to distinguish from the boring old type of women) can have penises, as we’re told when they’re trying to hook up with lesbians, then they can also have broad shoulders and deep voices, so no need to “pause” anybody’s puberty.
This would also free the gender-women to compete in sporting events, since they would not have done anything to their bodies that would cause them to be at a disadvantage when competing with men.
* It’s what its inventor and/or popularizer, serial child abuser John Money, would want.