Right and respectful

But how do you know which side that is?

The issue of course isn’t the Fauci part, it’s the pronouns part. (Tiresome of Musk to jam them together.) How does he know it’s right and respectful to pretend that people can and should decide what pronouns other people use to refer to them? How does he know it’s not, on the contrary, rude and narcissistic to make that demand? He doesn’t, because he can’t, because it is rude and narcissistic. It’s an attempt to force people to think about you and remember Special Instructions about you, and to feel anxious about forgetting the Special Instructions about you. It’s an imposition of extra work and pointless anxiety all for you wonderful you extra-special you.

It isn’t right factually, and it isn’t right morally.

It isn’t even genuinely respectful. It involves treating people as extra-fragile and perhaps delusional or otherwise mentally dilapidated in some way. That’s not particularly respectful.

As a very broad piece of advice it’s ok – it means don’t go around shouting misogynist or racist abuse at people, don’t mock people, don’t pick fights, don’t bully – you know, just basically don’t be an asshole. He’s right that that’s better for all parties; he’s not right about the specifics in this case.

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