“Me me me me me make it about me talk about me make the thing you’re talking about be about me.”
And that they are broken and terrible for existing. They're not, they're women who deserve the same respect the rest of us do, simply with the inability to have children due to medical reasons. GC's parroting such talking points, only serve to hurt women further.
The idea that GC feminists believe that wombs, having kids or femininity is what makes someone a woman is so bizarre. Not sure how much clearer a movement could be. It's a wilful misinterpretation in order to smear and fan the flames. Laurie knows exactly what she's doing here. pic.twitter.com/TWz9GXiQro
Pregnancy and childbirth isn’t the sole circumstance of womanhood. I know women who have done neither. What a condescending twerp Laurie Penny is. Hey Laurie, go ask “Lia” Thomas if he’s ever skipped swimming practice because he was menstruating. Fecking moron.
… when the GC’s go off about how having a womb and the ability to have children is what makes a woman a woman, …
But that’s not what “the GC’s go off about,” anyway. It’s women’s function in the process of human reproduction, and some bodies develop along the pathway of performing that function, whether the individual women ever reproduce or not. It’s distinguished from the male reproductive function. It’s not that all women “have to” gestate new human beings in order to be women. It’s that men can’t fulfill that function — ever. Their biological structures are different from women’s.
Women may or may not ever be pregnant or give birth. They are equally women, whatever they do in life. Some women don’t reproduce; some women can’t. They are not any the less women for that.
What rot: deliberately misconstruing what women say, to score brownie points with the Wokesters.
They’re framing women who can’t have children using the only Unhappy Person template they’re familiar with: fragile, vulnerable, traumatized, and quick to be triggered by words which will be seen as carrying the implication that they don’t exist, and don’t belong.
“‘Woman’ is a sex category which refers to an evolved reproductive role in the human species characterized by the production of large gametes.”
F**k she is pathetic. She is neither physically nor phenotypically androgynous. It takes more than a short haircut and occasional use of unisex clothing with a female cut to create doubt. She’s got a perfectly normal pixie sized female figure. As for her not planning to have children, what the ever living fuck does that have to do with being a woman? I mean, I didn’t plan on being overweight, but it turned out I still had the capability to manage it.
A 30 year old infertile woman with four fingers on one hand is still an adult human female despite the infertility and despite missing a finger, and literally no one ever is in any doubt of that fact. Just like the bearded guy with male pattern baldness, bad lipstick, a silly head tilt, and who calls himself Shirley, is still a bloke, even if he wears a dress and plays in a women’s soccer league.
I do not have a womb. I am not bothered by defining women by the biological realities. I am able to realize and accept that I am a woman whether I have all the equipment or not; and I know GC feminists do not exclude me from the category of woman.
And I don’t imagine very many other women are bothered by it, either, unless they are among the trans allies and believe they should be bothered.
So, so, clever. In that way of cleverness that has honey voiced southern belles smiling indulgently while saying “bless your heart” or something similar.
At this point at think we just have to assume that there is nothing that Laurie oh I’m not beautiful I’m hideously physically/phenotypically androgynous and here’s my artfully posed profile pic to prove it Penny can’t make about herself.
Pregnancy and childbirth isn’t the sole circumstance of womanhood. I know women who have done neither. What a condescending twerp Laurie Penny is. Hey Laurie, go ask “Lia” Thomas if he’s ever skipped swimming practice because he was menstruating. Fecking moron.
Laurie Penny isn’t androgynous; it’s a performative affectation.
She ain’t fucking Tilda Swinton.
But she wants to be one of the cool kids.
But that’s not what “the GC’s go off about,” anyway. It’s women’s function in the process of human reproduction, and some bodies develop along the pathway of performing that function, whether the individual women ever reproduce or not. It’s distinguished from the male reproductive function. It’s not that all women “have to” gestate new human beings in order to be women. It’s that men can’t fulfill that function — ever. Their biological structures are different from women’s.
Women may or may not ever be pregnant or give birth. They are equally women, whatever they do in life. Some women don’t reproduce; some women can’t. They are not any the less women for that.
What rot: deliberately misconstruing what women say, to score brownie points with the Wokesters.
They’re framing women who can’t have children using the only Unhappy Person template they’re familiar with: fragile, vulnerable, traumatized, and quick to be triggered by words which will be seen as carrying the implication that they don’t exist, and don’t belong.
“‘Woman’ is a sex category which refers to an evolved reproductive role in the human species characterized by the production of large gametes.”
“I’m feeling unsafe.”
F**k she is pathetic. She is neither physically nor phenotypically androgynous. It takes more than a short haircut and occasional use of unisex clothing with a female cut to create doubt. She’s got a perfectly normal pixie sized female figure. As for her not planning to have children, what the ever living fuck does that have to do with being a woman? I mean, I didn’t plan on being overweight, but it turned out I still had the capability to manage it.
A 30 year old infertile woman with four fingers on one hand is still an adult human female despite the infertility and despite missing a finger, and literally no one ever is in any doubt of that fact. Just like the bearded guy with male pattern baldness, bad lipstick, a silly head tilt, and who calls himself Shirley, is still a bloke, even if he wears a dress and plays in a women’s soccer league.
I do not have a womb. I am not bothered by defining women by the biological realities. I am able to realize and accept that I am a woman whether I have all the equipment or not; and I know GC feminists do not exclude me from the category of woman.
And I don’t imagine very many other women are bothered by it, either, unless they are among the trans allies and believe they should be bothered.
Laurie Penny thinks a short hair cut makes her “physically/phenotypically androgynous”? Dear god, she has no idea what phenotype means.
Yes but saying “physically/phenotypically androgynous” makes her sound so clever.
So, so, clever. In that way of cleverness that has honey voiced southern belles smiling indulgently while saying “bless your heart” or something similar.
At this point at think we just have to assume that there is nothing that Laurie oh I’m not beautiful I’m hideously physically/phenotypically androgynous and here’s my artfully posed profile pic to prove it Penny can’t make about herself.