Pots and pans

You have got to be kidding.


This is an MP! Not your neighbor’s 12-year-old, but an actual LibDem Member of Parliament.

Does she think most people love others because of their gender, or even their sex? Because if so she has to think most people love roughly half the people they encounter daily, half the people they’ve ever met, half the people shopping at Waitrose when she shops there, half the people on the bus, half the people walking down the street, half the people in the census.

Sex is generally (though far from always) a basic starting point for sexual and romantic love, kind of the way species is, but that’s all it is. Personality and “vibe” (and other intangibles) matter more for everyone. It’s like…”Do you want to go see a play?” “If it’s in a theater, yes.” That’s not how that works. What’s the play, who’s in it, who directed it, what do the reviews say?

Pansexual visibility day ffs. Get over yourself.

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