Jon Pike flagged this up as a must listen and boy is he right.
This, and nothing else, is what you need to listen to, in the next couple of hours. Please. Make a pot of tea, and take a few deep breaths.
I never expected to find myself living in an Age of Unreason. I still find it hard to take in.
I signed the Women’s Declaration some time ago, after careful study and thought.
Article 7: Reaffirming women’s rights to the same opportunities as men to participate actively in sports and physical education reads:
Article 10 (g) of the CEDAW* provides that States Parties shall ensure ‘‘[t]he same Opportunities to participate actively in sports and physical education’’ for girls and women as for boys and men. This should include the provision of opportunities for girls and women to participate in sports and physical education on a single-sex basis. To ensure fairness and safety for women and girls, the entry of boys and men who claim to have female ‘gender identities’ into teams, competitions, facilities, or changing rooms, inter alia, set aside for women and girls should be prohibited as a form of sex discrimination.
It’s horrible how the NCAA, the administration of Penn U. and other universities, the swim coaches, the ACLU, and others acted to intimidate and manipulate the female swimmers and their families to let Thomas swim. If it was fair in the first place, none of what would have been necessary. At the end where there was at least one gesture of solidarity was so poignant, and terribly sad.
It was a shame to miss out on the visuals, but considerably better than missing out on the women’s words altogether. Those were excellent speeches. I do hope that they succeed in making the sports’ governing bodies listen to women before deciding what is fair for women.
The video posted by Women’s Declaration International also appears to have been removed by Itunes and Apple Podcasts.
As noted, the Apple link appears to be working right now, but it’s dated today; I suspect there is a game of tag going on with with people removing the video and other people reposting it.
That was painful and enraging. What a neat Mum. The ACLU has really turned to shit.
The video seems to have been made private… disappointing.
I never expected to find myself living in an Age of Unreason. I still find it hard to take in.
I signed the Women’s Declaration some time ago, after careful study and thought.
Article 7: Reaffirming women’s rights to the same opportunities as men to participate actively in sports and physical education reads:
*UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
This link to an Apple version of the WDI podcast worked for me:
It’s horrible how the NCAA, the administration of Penn U. and other universities, the swim coaches, the ACLU, and others acted to intimidate and manipulate the female swimmers and their families to let Thomas swim. If it was fair in the first place, none of what would have been necessary. At the end where there was at least one gesture of solidarity was so poignant, and terribly sad.
Thank you for the link, J.A.
It was a shame to miss out on the visuals, but considerably better than missing out on the women’s words altogether. Those were excellent speeches. I do hope that they succeed in making the sports’ governing bodies listen to women before deciding what is fair for women.
The Apple Podcasts link above from J.A. (thanks!) still seems to be working, but the video keeps getting taken down on a wide variety of platforms.
Video of Mother of Penn Swimmer removed from Youtube, Spotify
As noted, the Apple link appears to be working right now, but it’s dated today; I suspect there is a game of tag going on with with people removing the video and other people reposting it.