Knocking women down
An angry white crowd screaming at a Black woman pleading for civil rights. Threatening her. Intimidating her. Senior women linking arms to protect a rape survivor trying to speak. A lesbian being shouted down by a mostly male mob decked out in Pride colors. A man with an AR-15 imposed over a Trans flag on his ball cap, the impression of a handgun in his left cargo pants pocket, hiding behind sunglasses and a mask that made identification difficult.
This man:

“DEFEND EQUALITY” with an assault rifle and a concealed face. That kind of equality.
Most of the jeering, intimidating mob of hundreds pressing elder women against the wall of the Cotton Building appeared to be from out of town. According to another journalist covering the event, the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club was there, the group that provides armed “security” at Antifa riots. Antifa was there, clusters of men dressed in black with black face coverings. Several women were knocked to the ground by large men who broke through their linked arms. They tore down flags and tried to steal equipment being used to amplify and record the event.
Seriously? Antifa men in black with faces covered knocking women to the ground? This is the left now? Because women don’t want to share locker rooms with men?
This guy was there:
Read the whole thing; if even half of it is true it’s horrifying.
Adding via Sastra:
This is so clearly men’s rights movement, defending the right of pederasts to access children, and using the opportunity to display their hatred of women.
Liberals can be so blind to being used.
The right to be treated as the sex you say you are conflicts with the right to have single-sex spaces, and it’s the Washington State law that was passed that’s created this situation. Affirmation of one’s desired gender doesn’t trump the reality of sex and never will, and I think we’re seeing more and more people becoming aware of this and there will be a political impact. Seeing the trans-rights crowd identifying as Antifa-wannabees isn’t doing their side any favors either with those of us who aren’t so keen on shouty bullies.
Damn, at least in Bristol they didn’t have guns.
There’s some video here:
On another site I/we argued vigorously against a self proclaiming med liberal who argued that the modern left is as totalitarian and hence dangerous as the modern American right. Yeah increasingly fear he is correct. The purity patrols, thought policing, career destruction, and now outright violence….
It’s really scary when the only people not buying this new fundamentalist religion are trolls pushing their own fundamentalist religions, political or theological
Trolls aren’t the only ones opposing it.
By the way, I’ve been talking to people I likely wouldn’t have before the Woke Religion erupted. To my shame I’ve realized how many of my assumptions about them were unfair.
@LM, same here. But, that being said, my Twitter Feed is filling with the Republican Party officials that some of them follow and those people have by no means become suddenly more sane just because they have Red in their Shinigami profiles. Still the same old anti-vaxx, nativist, climate denialist, Trumpist, shills for the right wing. In the case of gender skepticism, it’s not true that the “enemy of my enemy is my friend,” we just happen to agree on a single issue.
I ride with a Meetup motorcycle group and for the most part they keep politics out of the lunch discussions. Recently, though, a new member was about to launch into a tirade about liberal in schools who won’t “discipline a certain race” and I interrupted him by saying that the nice thing about riding is that I don’t have to listen to politics. He got the message, and the rest of the day was pleasant.
I’ve gotten to the point where i really dislike the way that people discuss politics these days, it’s gotten so nasty towards decent people who disagree or have a different perspective.
Here’s another report from a local source in Port Townsend, the Peninsula Daily News, about what’s been going on there lately.
Thanks J.A.