Another nasty contemptuous hostile dismisser of women.
Karen AND twat – we can tell how that “genderfluid”? “nonbinary”? – person thinks of women. Somehow I suspect that underneath it all J is a man. You can claim to be trans all you like but then when the misogyny comes bubbling out everyone can see the reality.
I dunno, loathing the female is kind of baked into the female NB/trans psyche. Part of embracing their chosen persona is rejecting and othering femaleness. Of course, this means adopting stereotypically male attitudes toward women, since those sexist stereotypes are how they understand the sexes.
And they are getting ratioed to shit. Deservedly.
Yes, I guess so, Nullius. It seems “J” is a trans man, or do I mean a trans-non-binary man.
Dang you’re not kidding about the ratio – it goes on and on and on.
So vile.
“Big ups” “karen” “twat” “slayed” – look at this mid life crisis trying to be hip and young.
Dr. J. has a website. As far as I can tell, he’s neither a doctor nor a PhD. He’s a… well, I’ll let him say it:
Apparently his expertise doesn’t extend to creating decent web pages.
Rob #2
“ratioed” ????
Please define what that means in the context.
I have a question for the trans-community many of whom seem to have a very dogmatic view of language: I think I know the answer to this already, but do the individuals formerly known as women use words like t*** or the c-bomb in conversation with one another? If so, is it always with a negative or angry connotation or can it be used as a term of endearment?
I know that male bullies, misogynists, and assholes use these terms in demeaning ways so if you want to alter the perceived overlap of your Venn diagram perhaps avoiding such labels would be a nice start.
Perhaps there can be a new set of labels that identifies individuals who don’t identify with misogyny.
Jim Baerg – it means getting a lot more hostile comments than likes on Twitter.
Thank you.
I haven’t been on Twitter enough to encounter the term before.
Yes it’s a jargon word.
Ophelia @ #3
“J” has a distinctly female chin: projecting and pointed. It is very clearly visible in the photo in the header to “J”‘s twitter stream. Men typically have wider, flatter jawlines.
Reading that combination of vapidly empty Corporatese, and nothingness of Gender Jargon word salad, almost sucked me through the screen of my computer into the resulting vacuum of meaninglessness.