Just switch names
A man in Spain who beat his female partner for opposing his transition has avoided charges of gender-based violence by legally changing his identification to “female” and adopting a woman’s name.
Well that seems only fair. Since he now has a woman’s name, he obviously can’t have beaten up his female partner in the past.
Earlier this year, Spain’s Cabinet of Ministers approved a new draft law on gender identity, one which allow anyone over the age of 16 to legally change their name and sex without any medical consultation or intervention. Minors between the ages of 14 and 16 will be allowed to change their name and sex with parental consent, and those as young as 12 can do so with a Judge’s authorization.
All the men will be able to beat up all the women!
Ophelia, you may have overlooked this passage from the article:
He only dodged the sex-based hate crime version of a domestic abuse charge. That said, there are pretty heavy consequences for the poor woman as a result of this dodge:
She is stuck living with a monster specifically because Spain lets people lie officially change their sex to a lie.
No, I saw it, but decided to summarize rather than give all the details.
It really makes no sense to me that they base such charges on the way they currently “identify” rather than on how they “identified” while they were committing these crimes.
@Mike Haubrich;
They can’t do that. The doctrine won’t let them. The minute someone reveals they’re trans we must now realize they were always trans. When Manolo committed the crime, he was a woman. It was just that his wife didn’t know it, and he may not have known it himself. But that’s the narrative. You don’t “become” what you were born as.
Quite apart from the gender-changing issues in this case, Spain has allowed for same-sex marriage for years. This suggests that if you’re in a same-sex marriage and your partner beats you, you can’t get a protection order.
@Mike: it seems that Manolo had already officially changed his sex when he attacked her.
Also, re this:
She didn’t “oppose” his “transition”; she just said she’d support him as a friend, but she no longer wanted to have sex with him, and that’s what set him off. An age-old story–man wants woman, woman doesn’t want man, man beats/rapes/kills woman.
Sex-based violence is violence perpetrated because of the victim’s sex. The sex or gender of the perpetrator doesn’t enter the picture.
Indeed. Unfortunately, the law in Spain refers to “violencia de género”, and not “violencia de sexo”. Of course it was written long before anyone thought that a person could change gender or sex merely by saying so, so I don’t think the authors ever thought through (or imagined) the implications.