How to train fanatics
Wings Over Scotland shares an item via a training course civil servants are being sent on by the Scottish Government. The obedient civil servants who attended got a followup “thank you and here is a long list of further reading” from one Jonah Coman; the item Wings shares is on that long list of further reading.
As you can see, one of the sites that staff are directed to is something called The Trans Language Primer. We thought you should see some of its content.
So Wings shares a lot of that content. It is, of course, grotesque. The grotesquery is amping up all the time, I guess because it has to. The demands and instructions have to keep getting more outrageous or all the fun goes out of it. The “primer” is a list of obnoxious and calculatedly offensive vocabulary items. It’s funny in the usual way, but also this is Scotland, where women are told to wheesht or else.
Here’s one:

It’s one brazen lie after another. We were not “using” TERF for ourselves except ironically, we’ve called ourselves feminists all along. We’re not organized into a trans hate group, loosely or otherwise. We consider the ideology of trans-ism – the ideology that leaps off the page of this “primer” by the way – to be wrong and destructive; that’s not the same as hating trans people. Most of us don’t ally with the religious right, although some do. We of course don’t do anything that even resembles “putting forth” legislation, or seeking or urging legislation, that bars trans people from public and private life. What an idiotic claim. How would we even start? How would we word it?
We don’t “hate all trans people.” We don’t “attack trans women,” especially aggressively or even gently. We don’t object to men who identify as trans forcing themselves on women’s sports because they “challenge our view of biological essentialism around the indenniny and experience of womanhood. We object to men who identify as trans forcing themselves on women’s sports because women’s sports are for women, not men who identify as trans, and because men have large physical advantages over women. It’s simple, it’s clear, it’s easy to understand, and it’s true. The garbage about our malign secret motives is just that: garbage.
And so on – and this is just one item from that “primer.”
Good enough for government work?
Not even close. When I worked for government, our minimum required accuracy rate was 95%; our achieved accuracy rate was 99%.
I don’t think that one definition gets anywhere close to that accuracy rate (which is better than any private company I ever worked for, by the way). I imagine many, if not most, of the rest of the primer is less accurate, too, and not able to pull the primer as a whole up to that minimum 95%.
It’s DARVO all the way down.