He knew Girlguiding was a space for him

Girl Guides is “inclusive.”

We want every member of Girlguiding to feel like they belong.

Well that makes sense. There wouldn’t be much point in having members you make feel as if they don’t belong.

It’s why we have an Equality and diversity policy, training for volunteers on how to include everyone, and why we love to share stories from all our members on what it means to feel included. We hope it helps you as volunteers feel empowered to welcome everyone to our organisation.

Well they can’t welcome everyone to their organization, surely. It’s Girl Guides – so they can’t welcome adults or boys. Right?

We’re sharing the true story of Rainbow (all names have been changed), a girl who joined our youngest section and knew Girlguiding was a space for her.

‘My husband and I are lucky enough to be parents of a seven-year-old girl, Rainbow,’ says Jane. ‘She loves LEGO, climbing trees, reading, playing with her friends and not listening to us when we ask her to wash her hands before dinner.

‘She might sound very much like your children, and she is the same, except when she was born, we assumed she was a boy.’

Ah. In other words Rainbow is a boy. “Girl” Guides is being inclooosive by incloooding a boy, which means all the girls are deprived of being in a Guides group for girls. Why is one boy privileged over a group of girls?

The rest of it is the usual fatuous drivel.

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