He comes back to this point

Another meeting at the corner of Inclusion and Fairness.

“And what this UK sport document says is,” says Ed Milliband at 1:00, “look, inclusion is important in sport but so too is fairness.”

But inclusion isn’t “important in sport” in any blanket sense, for the very simple and obvious reason that much of sport is competitive, which rules out being generally “inclusive.” Competition is necessarily, inherently, non-inclusive. Competition excludes.

You can of course have “friendlies”; you can play games for the fun of it, you can decide not to keep score, you can bring everyone in and just run around and have a blast. But sport qua sport has winners and losers, so a generalized “inclusion” just is not part of the picture. Fairness, on the other hand, is not in tension with winning and losing.

And in conclusion, at 1:19, “I think there are tricky issues here, but I think, I come back to this point, which is: how would you be feeling as a trans person after the debate, the kind of debates that we’ve had in the last few weeks – I think you’d be feeling awful.”

But Mr. Milliband, what do you think women are feeling? Why don’t you come back to that point? Why do you think only about how a trans person is feeling? Why don’t you think also about how a woman is feeling? Why? Seriously, why? Why have trans persons shoved women off this bit of space where politicians and rights organizations and news media think about people who are feeling awful? Why are women no longer on the radar? Why do you single out trans people and ignore women?

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