Guy in heavy makeup here to fix everything
This PrideMonth, the Audobon Society partnered with a man who pretends to be a woman to bring us a message of hope future planet climate change yadda yadda. God knows why a real woman talking sense wouldn’t have done just as well or in fact much better.
Your Name’s not Bruce? tells us they’ve blocked a lot of people as a precaution against hearing any impertinent questions on this brave mumblemumble.
How is a man pretending to be a woman in a bird costume going to do anything for the environment?
He is wearing about a pound of petroleum products on his face (make-up) and that costume does not look like it was made from natural fibers. All the other fetish gear — the corset, the boots, etc. are made with petroleum products (probably in sweatshops in other countries) and have to be shipped via vehicles powered by fossil fuels.
They had to drive a crew out to wherever this is to film his cringe-fest performance and what was the carbon footprint on that looking like?
This guy appears to be an old fashioned drag queen. I can’t find anything that says he’s trans. More like burlesque.
I didn’t say he was trans.
No, I think you saw it correctly, but I think some of the people who were blocked might have assumed this was a trans thing. I completely agree a woman could have done just as well, pride month is not all about trans, as much as they’d like to hijack that too.
This is how we know that they know “transwomen” aren’t women. If they actually believed TIMs were women, they would be calling them Karens, accusing them of weaponizing their their victimhood*, and telling them to STFU.
*For once they would be right about that part.
An environmentalist called Pattie Gonia. Really? FFS, can I just have my environmentalists earnestly setting an example wearing homespun sand speaking sense? Is that too much to ask? Every wanna be has to have an angle these days to be noticed. It’s just a form of grift.
It was either that or Argent Tina. A difficult choice. :P
And just how in an environmentalist ‘intersectional?’
Usually it means bringing HAMAS along to every rally.
Congratulations! Each of you wins the internet!
Or, each of you gets half; I’m not sure exactly how that works. Assuming either of you wants it, of course.