Girls as in girls
Finally – a NO!
A group of the UK’s leading girls’ schools will not accept transgender pupils because they are worried it will ‘jeopardise’ their status as single-sex institutions.
Stupid place to put scare quotes. Yes, jeopardise; what’s wrong with that word?
The Girls’ Day School Trust, which represents 23 private schools and two academies, updated its gender identity policy guidance document last month and shared it with its members.
In a new section on admissions, the GDST said its schools do not accept applications from pupils who are legally biologically male, even if they identify as
women[girls].They said that having a policy on ‘gender identity’ rather than the sex recorded on a pupil’s birth certificate would ‘jeopardise the status of GDST schools as single-sex schools’ under the 2010 Equality Act.
However, a female pupil who begins to transition while already at one of the GDST’s schools should be supported to remain there for as long as they want to, the document adds.
Let’s have more of this.
And the last bit – female pupils who begin to transition – is a tacit admission of the biological reality that no matter what transition they do, they are girls.
A woman who wishes she was a man, whatever her mode of dress, would probably be met with indifference ranging through to amusement by the other patrons, clients or whatever of the male restrooms, toilets, dunnies, thunderboxes, shithouses or whatever (again) around the place. But definitely NOT the other way round, nor should it be.
The trans lobby ought to resign itself to that fact. This is one they definitely will not win. On my understanding, any bloke presently caught in a womens’ restroom can be arrested, charged and hauled before the local beak; for something. Probably for being a peeping Tom, or a public nuisance.
ALSO ‘loitering with intent.’ Add that to the above list. It’s a beauty.
See, this is how it should work. You’re a girl in the sense of being female, so you can enrol in this school. And if you think you have some kind of quirky gender identity, that’s fine. You will be accepted for who you are, and not discriminated against based on your gender identity. It’s so bloody simple. How did it all get screwed up?
The article is a bit muddled, but I think they allow applications from girls who identify as boys. Not certain of that, though. They do allow those girls who already attend, and who decide later to identify as boys, to stay at the school.
I do wish to know what the article means by “legally biologically male”. Do they mean “biologically male”, “legally recognized as male” (that is, with a GRC or some such), either, both?
Sackbut @ #5 Only people who are over 18 years of age can apply for a GRC, and under current rules it then takes two years to get it. So the schools are not likely to receive applications from anyone with a GRC. I note that the Mail has not put the phrase “legally biologically male” in quotes, so I am inclined to guess that it probably isn’t a verbatim quotation from the document.