For everyone

Yet another FEMINISM IS FOR EVERYONE burble, this time from The Irish Examiner.

When I discuss feminism with my students, I stress that feminism is for everyone. It is a social and political ideology intended for all human beings. Feminism is about equality, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or creed.

No, it is not. Of course it’s not. Look at the “fem” part. Take as long as you need.

In a way, all rights struggles and equality struggles are about everyone. The core ideas of equality, fairness, rights, justice are for and about everyone. Human rights benefit all humans, yes. But the reality is that rights and equality struggles are struggles: they have to be struggles because we don’t in fact have perfect human rights and freedom and justice. Many categories of people have to struggle harder for their share. Those categories of people get to carry out that struggle, without being told that their struggle is for everyone.

I go on to explain that this fight for equality is blighted by male violence. I explain that male violence is also a problem for men, who are attacked by other violent men. But more so for women.

But more so for women plus male violence toward men isn’t a feminist issue and isn’t a problem women are required to solve. But Jennifer Horgan thinks it is, because otherwise the men won’t listen. She says we must raise our boys to be allies.

There is a brand of feminism now, stuck on an anti-trans argument, that seeks to destroy this alliance, thereby returning us to an unhelpful and overly simplistic ‘us versus them’ gender-focused struggle.

Yes, sure, it’s frightfully simplistic, but it’s also frightfully simplistic when men beat up women or rape women or refuse to promote women or take over women’s spaces.

Hayley Freeman wrote in the Sunday Times last week that feminism is becoming a dirty word. 

Great job. She means Hadley Freeman, not Hayley. Top quality feministing here.

Why? Well, according to Freeman, it is becoming a dirty word because it is no longer OK for biologically born women to criticise trans women (born male) accessing female-only spaces. She claims that LGBTQ+ rights are trumping women’s rights.

Liar. She does no such thing. She doesn’t lump trans people in with LGB people.

She goes on for several more paragraphs, dismissing concerns about men in women’s prisons with the breezy confidence of the safe and comfortable, and telling us more about “dirty feminism.” It’s grotesque.

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