VICTORY: Today the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a student athletic policy in Connecticut allowing transgender students to play on the teams consistent with their gender identity.
Women and girls have a right to equal and fair play. Boys who compete against girls by claiming to be girls do not have a right to destroy the right to equal and fair play of women and girls.
Women and girls have a right to equal and fair play. Boys who compete against girls by claiming to be girls do not have a right to destroy the right to equal and fair play of women and girls.
The Ancient Greeks trained and competed stark naked in what they called the Gymnasium. after the word gymnos, meaning naked. Males only; no females allowed, and with each contestant’s actual biological sex in plain sight for all to see.
I reckon that males should be allowed to enter female competitions, provided they compete naked and with a concrete block and/or a cast iron sea anchor of agreed weight strapped onto their genitals. Racehorse have to run with handicap weights under their saddles, so why not transwhatevers? It could become a truly massive spectator sport, with bets being laid from all over the world, and a financial gold mine for all concerned. Of course, a new category in the Guinness Book of Record might be in order as well, in order to keep it all fair and above board..
It’s still strange to reflect on the institutions that used to represent a liberal society. Institutions I used to support and contribute to. Are there any left? Planned parenthood used to support women in their access to birth control. Now they push castrating hormones to children. Amnesty International used to support prisoners of conscience; now they support incarceration based on forbidden pronouns. And the ACLU used to support everybody’s rights, not just those of a select few. Colleges, like the ones I went to, no longer support free speech and discussion, but will punish students for the uttering the forbidden; they stopped teaching students how to think and now just teach them what to think. Is liberalism dead now?
“Trans youth have a right to equal and fair play” – cool, then you ought to agree with keeping trans women out of women’s competition as their entry renders that competition no longer fair. We see instead that the ACLU is on board with unfair competition, provided it favours the male entrants.
To those activists out there already working to get the next toxic craze or fad off the ground I think we can safely say congratulations in advance. You are 100 % guaranteed an army of willing henchmen eager to do your dirty work for you, force your agenda down everybody else’s throats, repeat whatever lies you want them to, and destroy anyone who gets in your way. No need to have truth or justice on your side. No just cause or compelling arguments required. Hyperbole, sound volume, and endless repetitions will do just as well a lot better. Once again their burden of proof for doing everything in their power to destroy other people’s life on your behalf will not just be at zero, but more like minus infinity. They are going to do it no matter what, and all the evidence, arguments or moral principles in the universe is never going to stop them.
To the victims all I can say is sorry, but there’s nothing anyone can do to stop this. As someone once put it, nothing is more inevitable than a stupidity whose time has come (until climate change gets us all, so only for a little while longer).
Bjarte, I think climate change IS a stupidity who’s time has come…unfortunately. This stupidity will kill us.
Jim Baerg, I hate the term stakeholders, and I think your vision is right on. In our school, all the stakeholders were included in the COVID discussions – except faculty and students. All the stakeholders are involved in everything – except faculty and students.
In many environmental discussions, the group of stakeholders includes everyone – except those who represent the environment.
Stakeholders, for a lot of groups, seems to mean a group of people who agree with me.
The Ancient Greeks trained and competed stark naked in what they called the Gymnasium. after the word gymnos, meaning naked. Males only; no females allowed, and with each contestant’s actual biological sex in plain sight for all to see.
I reckon that males should be allowed to enter female competitions, provided they compete naked and with a concrete block and/or a cast iron sea anchor of agreed weight strapped onto their genitals. Racehorse have to run with handicap weights under their saddles, so why not transwhatevers? It could become a truly massive spectator sport, with bets being laid from all over the world, and a financial gold mine for all concerned. Of course, a new category in the Guinness Book of Record might be in order as well, in order to keep it all fair and above board..
It’s still strange to reflect on the institutions that used to represent a liberal society. Institutions I used to support and contribute to. Are there any left? Planned parenthood used to support women in their access to birth control. Now they push castrating hormones to children. Amnesty International used to support prisoners of conscience; now they support incarceration based on forbidden pronouns. And the ACLU used to support everybody’s rights, not just those of a select few. Colleges, like the ones I went to, no longer support free speech and discussion, but will punish students for the uttering the forbidden; they stopped teaching students how to think and now just teach them what to think. Is liberalism dead now?
“Trans youth have a right to equal and fair play” – cool, then you ought to agree with keeping trans women out of women’s competition as their entry renders that competition no longer fair. We see instead that the ACLU is on board with unfair competition, provided it favours the male entrants.
To those activists out there already working to get the next toxic craze or fad off the ground I think we can safely say congratulations in advance. You are 100 % guaranteed an army of willing henchmen eager to do your dirty work for you, force your agenda down everybody else’s throats, repeat whatever lies you want them to, and destroy anyone who gets in your way. No need to have truth or justice on your side. No just cause or compelling arguments required. Hyperbole, sound volume, and endless repetitions will do
just as wella lot better. Once again their burden of proof for doing everything in their power to destroy other people’s life on your behalf will not just be at zero, but more like minus infinity. They are going to do it no matter what, and all the evidence, arguments or moral principles in the universe is never going to stop them.To the victims all I can say is sorry, but there’s nothing anyone can do to stop this. As someone once put it, nothing is more inevitable than a stupidity whose time has come (until climate change gets us all, so only for a little while longer).
The term ‘stakeholders’ always gives me the picture of a bunch of people trying to make sure the vampire stays dead.
Perhaps we need a stake through the heart of trans ideology.
Bjarte, I think climate change IS a stupidity who’s time has come…unfortunately. This stupidity will kill us.
Jim Baerg, I hate the term stakeholders, and I think your vision is right on. In our school, all the stakeholders were included in the COVID discussions – except faculty and students. All the stakeholders are involved in everything – except faculty and students.
In many environmental discussions, the group of stakeholders includes everyone – except those who represent the environment.
Stakeholders, for a lot of groups, seems to mean a group of people who agree with me.