Every word a mistake
The confusion is everywhere.
All of that is wrong. Not a little, not half, not most of it, but all.
Of course trans people’s access to private spaces is restricted; so is mine, so is everyone’s. That’s what “private” means.
Access to some public spaces is also restricted. Many public spaces are for specific sets of people…like public toilets for instance. Most areas in hospitals; most areas in schools; backstage in restaurants, bars, shops, theaters; most areas in offices; many areas in airports; the fronts of planes. Public doesn’t mean unrestricted.
The view is not that people who call themselves the other sex don’t exist, it’s that people who call themselves the other sex are wrong. Being wrong about what you are is not at all the same as not existing. Being wrong about what you are is an extremely common situation, because we’re just not very good at avoiding the natural bias of believing ourselves more than we believe everyone else.
That’s it, that’s the whole tweet, and it’s wrong from start to finish.
Trans people don’t feel that their biological sex lines up with the way they are mentally.
TRA & GC: Yes, they exist.
Why do they feel that way?
TRA: BECAUSE we’re all born with an innate, immutable Gender Identity located somewhere in the brain and while this usually lines up with our sex trans people have a difference in its development and their mental sex and sex assigned at birth don’t match and since we know ourselves better than anyone what we’re only assigned isn’t significant the only way to tell if someone is male or female or both or neither is to ASK THEM.
GC: I don’t agree with that explanation. There are other, more plausible explanations.
It’s like an atheist saying “the world would be better off if less people were religious” and Christians assuming they want a Nazi-like Final Solution because the religious simply cannot wrap their minds around someone who “knows God” changing their minds without force.
No, we aren’t denying their “existence” at all. We fucking know they exist, who can ignore it when even the President of the United States demands that we accept that children should be medicalized so their bodies match their “Gender Identity” because if we ddon’t we’re just as bogoted as racists and anti-semites!
No one is denying anyon’e right to “exist.”
We want honesty, is what we want, and accepted that gender non-conformance is quite all right and to be encouraged as way of breaking gender. What we don’t accept is that gender Identity exists, let alone that it is the marker to be elevated over sex in determining um, sex class. The movie is transphobic, which is why they don’t want anyone to see it, I don’t see how it can’t be, because the truth is transphoibic. Yes, it’s available online at Vimeo, so blocking it from being seen at Edinburgh is more of an exercise of male power than it is censorship.
If people see it in a communal setting, then they’ll begin discussing the concepts with each other, and the transpretenders can’t control that.
You would think that any philosophy that argues so badly would have never gotten off the ground.
I thought the same thing about Trump’s skills at “argument.”
In a way, there’s a similarity in that both forms of argument aren’t really classical arguments but actual arguments— assertions, insistence, bullying, catastrophizing, name-calling, straw manning positions held by opponents, etc.
Not arguing but fighting.
I wouldn’t put much faith in the punctuation, either.
Given enough power and force, you can blast nearly anything off the ground, but once it’s in the air, sustained flight depends on internal power and aerodynamics. You can throw a brick, but it ain’t going any farther than its ballistic arc will carry it. Less facetiously, gender ideology has depended not on the cogency and coherence of its thought, but on power and bullying, to get as far as it has. It is fatally vulnerable to questioning and critique, which is why it is forced to scream “NO DEBATE!” and claim that criticism “hurts” trans people. It sure kills trans arguments dead.
Sastra @1
Or, to flip it around, there are theists who refuse to accept that anyone is REALLY an atheist — they think we all “know” that their God exists and are just “denying him” because, I dunno, we want to have wild atheist orgies or whatever. Such people are silly (and I won’t invite them to the orgies), but I wouldn’t start claiming that they’re “denying my existence” in the sense of wishing me dead.
I think you’re being a bit too harsh. Every word a mistake? I mean, he’s* got a point about “the”, and it’s hard to argue with “to”.
But the rest of it? Yeah.
*I might be misgendering him. If I am, well, too fucking bad.