This seems fairly astounding.
Those numbers. Seven hundred sixty five thousand pounds to from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office??? For what?? It’s not as if they’re building anything or healing anyone or feeding anyone. Their “work” is telling people what to think – how is it possible to spend £765,061 on that? Plus £616 k on the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme, where you’d think the need for Stonewall’s views would be zero*. £256 k on all of the Welsh government seems thrifty in comparison (but is actually quite profligate).
Jobs for the boys, eh?
*See comments for corrections on this point. It’s a grant to keep employees paid, not a payment for stonewalling.
I suspect you are misinterpreting the Coronavirus support. The government programs for furloughs and other revenue replacement/support would be booked as grants-in-aid of some form. That is likely simply government covid funding.
As for the FCO, well, I think you would be shocked at how far the average dollar/pound in foreign aid travels from its original capital, particularly those related to sustainability/gender equity/etc without physical deliverables other than a report. The vast majority never leaves, ending up with essentially local consultants. It isn’t booked as Fee income, but it was likely on a quid pro quo basis for event/consulting undertaken. DFID was folded into FCO in 2020. There is a whole world out there that needs telling what to think, and by the scale of foreign development expenditure, 750k is 2, perhaps 3, funded for a year.
I don’t understand. Why would government programs for furloughs and other revenue replacement/support have anything to do with Stonewall? Why would government covid funding go to Stonewall?
Meanwhile, I suspect you’ve both misread it. This shows Stonewall’s income, not expenses. Stone wall took 765K from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, not the other way around.
No that’s what I thought it meant – that this is money paid to Stonewall.
Oh, then your wording confuses me: “Seven hundred sixty five thousand pounds to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office???” as opposed to ‘from’.
The job retention scheme, isn’t that money Stonewall was given to pay the wages of people who would otherwise be getting paid to… I don’t know, distribute rainbow lanyards, or whatever? So not payment to Stonewall for their service, but the government bailout to help them pay their staff because times are hard.
Holms @ 5 – Oh – duh – MY BAD. “from” of course. Brain looked out the window for a second.
Ophelia – as Catwhisperer notes, that is probably just the job retention scheme, which is booked as a grant along with all the other grants that Stonewall took in. However, for that particular grant, it was related to the purpose of simply continuing as an employer. Stonewall had employees, covid hits, programs open up, and employers were allowed to apply for subsidy. A grant as a matter of accounting classification, but rather different from the others.
Ah okay; thanks. I’ll add a note.