Calm your whats?
Chase Strangio is now playing forlorn helpless victim, wounded by the cruel baying mob.
But women have to see Strangio cheering the ACLU on as it removes women from the fight to keep abortion rights. Strangio isn’t a fragile vulnerable bystander, Strangio isn’t a girl in her last year of school, Strangio is an important person at the ACLU, who is working hard to destroy women’s rights.
Also, Strangio retweeted this.

Her self-loathing seems to be bottomless.
To avoid seeing what people say about you, get off of social media. Shut up and go be a lawyer for a while, instead of a trans ideologue.
And one wonders how and why that is. Why would a human rights organization retain and elevate someone with such a clearly manifest animus towards half the population unless that population was being deliberately targeted? Would they have someone on staff who consistantly demonstrated an equivalent public hostility towards Blacks or Jews? No, they would not. But in Strangio’s case it’s totes fine: it’s only women.
If there is a silver lining in all this, the one thing that has the best chance of turning this around is if the trans lobby start seriously pissing off a sufficient number of men. It shouldn’t be like that. The far greater harm that gender ideology does to women should do the trick. But in the world of homo sapiens there is little to no overlap between “should be” and “is”.
Psychics say the same sort of shit. So do ghost hunters, tarot readers, reincarnated queens and animal intuitives. Explain that these apparent capacities & states of being are unsupported and you’re calling them liars. Being told by people who are blind to spiritual possibilities that you’re CRAZY is HURTFUL and clearly intended to harm. “Think of our families and grateful clients. We’re people, just like you. Would you say it to our face?”
Classic misdirection. They’re usually completely unaware they’re doing it. They slip right over the actual issue and consider it personal.