1/3 I was due to talk about feminism and lesbian identity at @UniOfYork today but have been deplatformed as a result of the LGBTQ+ lot. They claim to have simply delayed it for security reasons, but that's bullshit. One bluefringe stated in an open letter to the student union,
here?” and “are those students directly endangered by her rhetoric to understand they are not safe on campus?”. Watch this space. I will not be taking this without protest.
To correct – the comment about me existing only to murder women in prostitution, that was a comment made on one of the Student Solidarity network Instgram account
But wait! Excitingly, Julie isn’t even the only one today.
I got deplatformed from an event that was supposed to be on today as well. I'm not saying which one publicly, at least not yet – working out what best to do behind the scenes. Also v. sorry for the individual who invited me, who tried very hard. Spineless superior is the problem https://t.co/JyjS87vSE0
“Julie Bindel’s whole career is founded in supporting the mass homicide of sex workers.” wut
Gas chambers, or firing squads? I’m curious now.
I really do despair reading stuff like this. I’m sure I said lots of stupid cringey crap when I was a teen, but a friend of mine points out that the current generation hasn’t really appreciated the fact that their stupid cringey crap will a) be seen by potentially hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, including people who know a lot more than the originator of the opinion and may potentially influence the life of the originator of the opinion and b) follow them for the rest of their lives.
When the students are blatantly intimidating the university, there’s a problem. Julie Bindel speaking isn’t a security risk to anyone, to the contrary, it’s those who are decrying her that are the cause for alarm. Ask Kathleen Stock for more about that sort of thing.
I note that Julie was due to talk about lesbian identity. Within the hegemony of the “the LGBTQ+ lot” (also known as the alphabet soup), it is forbidden to speak truthfully about lesbian identity, because lesbians are members of the female sex who desire members of the same sex; ‘gender’, in the sense ‘self-presentation’ and/or ‘mystical inner sense of self’, simply doesn’t come into it.
The claim that Julie’s “whole career is founded in supporting the mass homicide of sex workers” is presumably a crazed and malevolent take on the fact that she is a prominent campaigner against prostitution.
If it doesn’t center trans, it’s transphobic, of course.
Tweeters Yorkside report to me that they are generally embarrassed by UoY, and that they are made up of students who didn’t make the grade for Oxbridge.
“Julie Bindel’s whole career is founded in supporting the mass homicide of sex workers.” wut
Gas chambers, or firing squads? I’m curious now.
I really do despair reading stuff like this. I’m sure I said lots of stupid cringey crap when I was a teen, but a friend of mine points out that the current generation hasn’t really appreciated the fact that their stupid cringey crap will a) be seen by potentially hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, including people who know a lot more than the originator of the opinion and may potentially influence the life of the originator of the opinion and b) follow them for the rest of their lives.
Well of course, Julie is old and hence irrelevant and can be abused at will with lies and nonsense.
Related: Ophelia, aren’t you past due for surrendering this blog to more modern, younger, super-informed voices, as they once demanded?
I was past due then. Gonna be past due indefinitely.
When the students are blatantly intimidating the university, there’s a problem. Julie Bindel speaking isn’t a security risk to anyone, to the contrary, it’s those who are decrying her that are the cause for alarm. Ask Kathleen Stock for more about that sort of thing.
I note that Julie was due to talk about lesbian identity. Within the hegemony of the “the LGBTQ+ lot” (also known as the alphabet soup), it is forbidden to speak truthfully about lesbian identity, because lesbians are members of the female sex who desire members of the same sex; ‘gender’, in the sense ‘self-presentation’ and/or ‘mystical inner sense of self’, simply doesn’t come into it.
The claim that Julie’s “whole career is founded in supporting the mass homicide of sex workers” is presumably a crazed and malevolent take on the fact that she is a prominent campaigner against prostitution.
If it doesn’t center trans, it’s transphobic, of course.
Tweeters Yorkside report to me that they are generally embarrassed by UoY, and that they are made up of students who didn’t make the grade for Oxbridge.
Actually, York is for students who don’t make the grade for Durham. Durham is for students who don’t make it to Oxbridge.