Women & GC men have been blockaded at a Bristol pub by trans activists who won't #LetWomenSpeak The police have closed the pub's gates pic.twitter.com/IGyduVuKVU
"Trans rights are human rights!" "You're dinosaurs!" "Die out!" "You are going to die out!" "Your ideas are ancient history!" "Get in the fucking sea!"
The KKK didn’t always wear hoods >> https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/ku-klux-klan-didnt-always-wear-hoods-180957773/ Another example of hooded disruptors >> https://www.williamsonhomepage.com/franklin/white-nationalist-group-protests-franklins-juneteenth-event-saturday/article_f89a0304-ef78-11ec-9c4a-9f1969d12ddc.html And there’s more, I couldn’t find the post here on B&W from a few days ago where the protest disruptors were all wearing the white masks, but it does seem to be a common characteristic of hate groups, generally speaking. Wouldn’t it make more sense to shut these hate groups down before they start injuring or killing peaceful protestors? Don’t hate groups eventually always escalate into violent behavior? It’s not like there isn’t precedent. In the case of trans cult activists though, ones who disrupt women’s protests, it always looks like law enforcement is either complicit or indolent, and they are allowed to continue, despite all the telltale signs (not to mention the largely ignored forewarnings) of being a hate group in every way that matters.
These TIRGs (Trans-Inclusive Radical Grubs) need to have the full force of the law come down on them like a ton of bricks before someone gets hurt.
Maybe Trans Inclusive Radical Dummies? Or another D-word?
Trans Inclusive Reactionary Despots?
The KKK didn’t always wear hoods >> https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/ku-klux-klan-didnt-always-wear-hoods-180957773/ Another example of hooded disruptors >> https://www.williamsonhomepage.com/franklin/white-nationalist-group-protests-franklins-juneteenth-event-saturday/article_f89a0304-ef78-11ec-9c4a-9f1969d12ddc.html And there’s more, I couldn’t find the post here on B&W from a few days ago where the protest disruptors were all wearing the white masks, but it does seem to be a common characteristic of hate groups, generally speaking. Wouldn’t it make more sense to shut these hate groups down before they start injuring or killing peaceful protestors? Don’t hate groups eventually always escalate into violent behavior? It’s not like there isn’t precedent. In the case of trans cult activists though, ones who disrupt women’s protests, it always looks like law enforcement is either complicit or indolent, and they are allowed to continue, despite all the telltale signs (not to mention the largely ignored forewarnings) of being a hate group in every way that matters.