ACLU lawyer blasts feminists
Meanwhile Chase Strangio’s attempt to incite hatred against feminists angry about the war on abortion rights appears to have attracted almost universal contempt. I say “appears to” in case Twitter is weirdly hiding pro-Chase responses from me.
And lots more like that. Yet the Washington Post erases the word “women” from its commentary on the Supreme Court draft. Bad moon rising.
Hard not to see conspiracy in all this concerted effort to strenuously avoid using the word “woman.” I don’t believe for a second it’s simply to be “nice” or “inclusive.” The media doesn’t do “nice” and is very selective about how and who it “includes.” This is more like the tacit agreement to not mention JFK’s womanizing than an effort to spare the feelings of TiMs and TiFs. The latter is a rationale, but not the reason behind this. Kindness is a smokescreen obscuring the efforts of WOMEN, WOMEN, WOMEN to secure and defend their rights. This is not to be allowed. It can’t be seen or presented as a fight BY and FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY. That seems to be the point of all this woman erasure.
I see also that the FERKS (Feminist-Exclusive Radical Knucklefucking Shitheads) are something likewise, though the exact philosophical content of their ideology is still very much a WITS (Work In Total Stagnation.)
I gotta say, I like Feminist-Exclusive Radical Knucklefucking Shitheads. The term and the acronym, that is, not the shitheads themselves.