Unless they’re in Ireland of course
Amnesty Ireland is getting a pasting.
Hear women. See women. Let women lead.
Women's rights are human rights. pic.twitter.com/I0DfG7G5By
— Amnesty Ireland (@AmnestyIreland) August 18, 2021
Women’s rights are human rights? Is that so?
“Do not ignore women. Do not silence women”.
Why then did Amnesty Ireland co-sign a letter calling on media and politicians to stop providing “legitimate representation” for people with “bigoted beliefs” – by which they meant feminists who believe sex is a binary?
— Bea Jaspert (@hogotheforsaken) August 19, 2021
Hypocrites. Not “menstruating people” then? You’ve been very unclear about what a woman is – until the Taliban rode into town. But THEY know what a woman is and how to oppress her.
— James Barry (@JamesBarry1789) August 18, 2021
Hypocrites. Your luxury belief that women aren't oppressed because of their sex and material reality doesn't hold up in Afghanistan does it? If you punish and belittle women in Ireland for standing up for sex based rights, you cannot say things are different for women elsewhere.
— Lottie Lewis (@LottieHistory) August 19, 2021
Expect a statement from Colm O’Gorman expressing his deep dismay at all the vicious attacks on his person and integrity. There is no way he won’t cast himself as the victim in all this.
It took a surge in real-world oppression of women, as opposed to twitter-world oppression of enbies and trans people, to remind them how oppression of women really works. And what’s the bet they still haven’t learned.
@holms #2 – I don’t think that they are going to make this connection to women as women, because they hold on to the ideology that transwomen are women. And the pessimist in me predicts that it won’t be long until most of their tweets beg us to demand that transwomen are protected from the Taliban.
Hmm. A women’s rights protest where the participants can genuinely expect to be rounded up, tortured and killed. I do wonder how many transwomen are in that crowd.