Trans Canada pipeline
If trans women are women then what does “trans” mean?
“Trans” isn’t a word like tall or young or clever or Irish or working or famous. It’s not purely descriptive, purely an add-on that doesn’t change what the noun means. “Trans” does change what the noun means…it changes it to mean “not literally” but we’re supposed to pretend it doesn’t.
“Trans” means not really or pretend or make-believe or fake. We’re supposed to pretend it names a spooky magical process by which some men (but far more than we used to think, lots and lots and lots more) are actually women underneath the alien shell of maleitude, but the reality is that the shell of maleitude aka the male body is what makes a man a man. We are our bodies and our bodies are us. I can’t have the body of a blue whale and neither can anyone else. I can call myself a trans whale all I like, but doing so doesn’t magically transform me into a blue whale in everything but mere physical reality.

This post is so whalephobic, I just can’t even.
Educate urself!
I think Ophelia is suggesting I may not actually be an otter…true hate speech if I ever heard it!
They’re presenting this as a joke, or perhaps a challenge, but really it’s the endgame of the trans movement. At some point they will claim that the trans prefix is redundant, and using it is transphobic. Except they’ll have to come up with another word from transphobia.
(Also, trans Canada pipeline! Ha!)
Otterwise, iknkast, how did you like the post?
What comes after? The new category will likely be protected-class-women and garden variety ones that should be ignored as usual.
Do have any good krill recipes?
Asking for a friend.
I can do a decent krill in tarantino sauce. I call it Krill Bill.
When your method of eating is to charge through the sea with your mouth open and your mouth is the size of an airplane hanger, recipes become more than a little otiose.
I’ve thought this more than once, too. We’re being conditioned/softened up with the matra.
True. The sausepans required are very unwieldy. At least for washing up, the sink is the size of an ocean.
Woman: a human that has reached adulthood and is female.
Trans woman: a human that has reached adulthood and is female and is male.
We never hear TWAW from actual trans-trans women, only from cis-trans normies. That’s why they have the words, because it’s exceptionally boring to be real. Trans-trans women are trans women! Cis-trans women are just ugh… :P
Krill Bill, lol :D
Whenever Iknklast refers to her trans-otterness I picture a middle aged woman sliding headfirst down a bank into a river. Always gives me a chuckle.
Bruce Coppola, make that a middle-aged woman who can barely swim…that adds to the amusement.
@iknklast, perhaps you’d do better to identify as an ocean otter, given their raft forming tendencies then?
Arcadia, I would like to identify as an ocean otter, but I am in the midwest. Oh, wait, you don’t have to be anything like what you are identifying as, right? So I’ll be an ocean otter.
Inknlast, not only do not have to be anything like, you don’t have to know anything about them either, just fervently believe that you do. So, you do you. Be the best ocean otter you can be, even if you are “floating” among a raft of “otters” somewhere in a corn field. I won’t say you’re not floating, nor criticise your skin as “not fur”, nor say you shouldn’t eat raw shellfish.
Trans otters ARE otters.