“This week we did horrific harm”
There was a follow-up tweet from the ABA that I missed because they locked their account; it contains yet more frantic self-flagellating histrionics.
A serious, violent incident; inexcusable; terrible incident; pain we caused; apologies are not enough; harm we caused.
It’s as if they have a literal gun to their literal heads.
Meanwhile, in the Advocacy section of the ABA website, we can see:

The American Booksellers for Free Expression (ABFE) is the bookseller’s voice in the fight for free speech. Its mission is to promote and protect the free exchange of ideas, particularly those contained in books, by opposing restrictions on the freedom of speech; issuing statements on significant free expression controversies; participating in legal cases involving First Amendment rights; collaborating with other groups with an interest in free speech; and providing education about the importance of free expression to booksellers, other members of the book industry, politicians, the press and the public.
That long apology is just out there with extreme language about pain and suffereing. Apparently not only did the ABA promote transphobia but also racism because they used the wrong cover image.