The powerful
Billy Bragg, defender of the downtrodden.
How dare women take a stance? Their taking a stance proves that they are powerful and not downtrodden in any way. Bitches.
How dare women make statements that contradict the stances of their employers?! Obviously employers get to dictate what their workers can say, and if the workers disobey, obviously they should be fired or have their contracts canceled! That’s the progressive view and always has been!
Apparently two women being powerful (assuming they even are, but never mind that for now) invalidates any scepticism that women can be powerful. Two of you have made it!!
I know this is the tiniest part of Bragg’s idiocy to unravel, but it’s all I have strength for at the moment and it needs pointing out: neither JK Rowling nor Suzanne Moore have ever claimed to have been cancelled and Moore has on several occasions stated that she hasn’t been.
I hate the laziness almost as much as I hate the vindictiveness. They are both characteristics of a bully.
JK Rowling isn’t so much powerful as she is rich. There is a difference. Yeah, she might be able to sway policy because she’s rich, but maybe not. There is a certain power that comes with money, but the real power comes with power. And much of that sort of power comes with penises.
And even though she is rich…and even if she is powerful…she is still a woman, and subject to constant rape threats and death threats and misogynistic hatred. And…she is entitled to have an opinion that differs from Billy Bragg…or PZ Myers…or Daniel Radcliffe.
Of course JKR is entilted to have an opinion.
But she’s a woman, so she should just shut the fuck up and keep her opinions to herself.
Did I get it right?
He must mean take their case to a kangaroo court, a show trial, a drumhead court martial.
Bragg’s popularity was always something of a mystery to me, for the reason that he can’t sing. He can only bawl. (OK he could write a decent song, but on its own that’s not enough to make one a popular figure.) And now he’s demonstrating, at tedious length, that he can’t think either.
@4 this was the subject of Glosswitch’s most recent letter:
Have to admit I’d never made the connection, really.