Social media saturation
The ACLU ordered us to pretend that men are women on Facebook too.
Policing womanhood hurts ALL of us.
Funny how it’s just womanhood. Funny how they don’t order men to pretend that men are women or that women are men – funny how they leave men alone on this subject.

It’s weirdly sly and passive-aggressive to call it a “reminder” to tell us a lie. “I am here to remind you that frogs are gorillas.”
By constantly reminding people TWAW, the ACLU makes it seem that it’s the kind of thing people are going to need constant reminding about — as if it’s not as obvious and natural as knowing the sun is in the sky, or we need air to breath. It puts doubt in people’s minds. “ Hmm … maybe TW aren’t W after all.”
The ACLU is transphobic. You heard it here first, folks.
The laws of nature need police enforcement? First I heard of it. The trans cult makes use of the thought police regularly though, that must be what they’re on about, because TWAW is a falsehood. The ACLU is toast, probably irredeemably so.
@1 Absolutely. If it was self evident we wouldn’t need reminding.
It’s a reminder that there are consequences for not repeating the lie often enough. Nice job/twitter account/undoxed address you have there, shame if something were to happen to it…
If they don’t remind you, you might forget to pay your protection fee.
latsot, just wait for the next phase, where you need to pay a protection fee in actual money. “FACT: If you don’t give regular monetary contributions to the ACLU, you are a transphobe.” And then they tell your employer and the management of Twitter….
GW, you have heard of Stonewall, right?
I’m sick of so many organizations experiencing scope creep to pay their due tributes to the trans gods. ACLU, SPLC, Amnesty, Planned Parenthood, and recently a local abortion fund. And there are many more. If anyone has any suggestions for a US charity that helps women, please let me know.
Stonewall literally says that if you don’t give them money, you’re a transphobe?
I was being flippant, but Stonewall is pretty much a protection racket, yeah.
Maybe not so much give them money as give them utter obedience, glassy eyed chanting of TWAW until you foam at the mouth, convulse, and die, ridding the world of one more piece of cis scum. Though I am sure once you start chanting loudly enough and often enough (like the ACLU?) you don’t have to die; you can live on your knees.
Maybe if you do it enough, you’ll become trans? Or does one need to be born trans?
GW, the Stonewall “Diversity Champions” program is a protection racket for organizations:
Wow. This is amazing and horrible.
I wonder how the workshopping on this went.
On International Women’s Day, here’s your reminder that we are committed to taking away all your spaces.
On International Women’s Day, here’s your reminder that womanhood is now a colony of manhood.
On International Women’s Day, here’s your reminder that we will use the tools you developed for liberation to oppress you.
On International Women’s Day, here’s your reminder that the deck is stacked against you. And we helped stack it.
Sackbut #7, I give a monthly donation to the National Abortion Federation. NAF is registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt Public Charity (PC) with EIN 43-1097957.
I’m not an abortion provider, so I’m not a member, but NAF is funded 100% by donations, so I called their office to set up a monthly donation with a personal credit card number. When the person who manages donations was not at their desk, someone else in the office stepped in to set up my donation right away.
Since I set up my donation by phone, now their web site makes monthly donations easier, and their donations page includes the NAF Hotline Fund, which is 501(c)(3) with EIN 26-4703759.
The NAF home page links to a statement:
I like the boundaries and balance in that statement:
• On the one hand, NAF does not redefine the word “woman” or promote an ideology that a patient might have.
• On the other hand, the statement links to a Guttmacher Institute study “To estimate the number of transgender and gender non-binary (TGNB) individuals who obtained abortions in the United States and the extent to which abortion facilities offer transgender-specific health services.” The study looks fact-based, and relevant to NAF’s healthcare providers.
My comment also reminds me, the Guttmacher Institute is 501(c )(3) with EIN 13-2890727.
Dave Ricks, thanks for the suggestions. I’ve been quoting Guttmacher for years, so I sent them a donation.