Policing the timeline
BLOCK EVERYONE. Just to be on the safe side.

Dominic Berry is (according to his profile) a historian and philosopher of science.

Yeesh. He cares so much that he goes to the trouble of figuring out how many of his followers also follow Nigel, and he then tries to use that knowledge as a cudgel to convince them to stop following Nigel. I in that situation would of course stop following the dictatorial intrusive cudgel-waver instead. I would first tell him off for being so intrusive and dictatorial.
And this goon is a philosopher.
Ah good, they’re doing that very thing.
“You must choose! You must choose between following Warburton or following me!”
“Ok bud, that’s an easy one.”
Updating to add:

Hilarious. On the one hand stop following Warburton this instant, and I know who you are so don’t think you can escape, and oh also please tell me what he says about me kthxbye.
This is what happens when you decide to not think for yourself.
While this rather silly mantrum is quite amusing, Prof Alice Sullivan has noted that he’s separately tweeted a very explicit threat against students who might have the temerity to disagree with him.
Vila #2: Wow. That should be grounds for dismissal to state that he is going to make some students feel unsafe around him because they don’t agree with him. I hope his university sees it that way.
Yes, I’ve been following up Twitter chains, which is always like chasing fleas around a dog. I’m getting to that one.
I know that shitting up the lesbian dating scene (not to put too fine a point on it) ranks relatively low on the list of harms caused by trans activism, but every time I see a Cis Male Ally™ grandstanding like this, I wonder how he’d feel if he opened his dating app of choice and discovered that roughly half of the “women” there were obviously male.* Betcha most of them would be in perfect agreement with Dr. Stock on the “what is a woman?” question.
*Assuming that he’s straight, of course. The ways in which gay men interact with trans activism is a whole ‘nother can of worms.
It doesn’t rank all that low. There was that whole uproar about “the cotton ceiling” after all. I continue to think it’s pretty rapey to try to bully lesbians into sex with trans women.
The idea that lesbians should feel constrained to go to bed with trans women seems to involve the assumption that what one might call ordinary sexual activity is a political and public act (as it is in the obvious example of brave Serbian soldiers raping Bosnian Muslim women). But people, whether straight, gay, or whatever, usually do not just hop into bed with someone because they feel it is politically or morally correct to do so or to make a political point, but because they are attracted to them, or on occasion, perhaps, drunk. And, yes, I do realise that all sorts of social and political factors intersect in sexual desire & sexual activity. But to make of one’s choice of a partner for one night, a certain term, or for life a conscious political decision is ridiculous.
It’s “reparative rape therapy” for lesbians all over again. This time, instead of “you just haven’t met the right man (which is me, natch),” it’s “you just haven’t met the right man in a dress (which is me, natch).”
@As The Smoke #5:
So fewer than Ashley Madison?