Also, hey now, what’s that fancy thing on your wrist, sir, and why are you not covered in coal dust?
Really, NY Times, really? We've just had the tackiest president in history flaunting fictional wealth and you pick on his watch? Is That a Rolex on Biden’s Wrist?
— Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) January 22, 2021
Tan suit tan suit tan suit!
Is the Times really going to keep doing this shit?
Rolex makes good watches. Their claim to fame is based precision, solid engineering, functionality, and sturdiness. They don’t make watches with tons of decorative jewels. Their watches are, of course, ridiculously expensive. I don’t think what watch Biden wears is at all important, but if we’re talking about people being ostentatious, I would think it more ostentatious to wear an expensive piece of jewelry that tells time rather than an expensive high-end functional timepiece. It is ridiculous to insist that people of significant means, like the Bidens, should refrain from using some of the resources they have to buy good-quality clothing, accessories, vehicles, and home items, just because other people can’t afford to buy these things.
Oh, no! Dijon mustard? How dare he prefer a high quality, good tasting mustard to the cheap bright yellow stuff most Americans think is mustard? How dare he!
Real mustard growers may be fairly indifferent to the semi-controversy surrounding President Obama’s preference for Dijon mustard, but Grey Poupon is trying to take advantage of this rare marketing opportunity, when an infinitesimal slither of America’s attention is marginally focused on the topic of mustard. Over the weekend the company’s public-relations team sent over a statement calling on President Obama to “pardon” lovers of Dijon mustard a riff off the classic “pardon me” commercials that made their product seem so snooty in the first place. “The right to choose condiments freely is quintessentially American and embodies the spirit of our democracy,” reads the release’s tongue-in-cheek interpretation of our national ideals. Heh. Isn’t this so much more fun than not making an issue of how Obama eats his burger?
Over the weekend the company’s public-relations team sent over a statement calling on President Obama to “pardon” lovers of Dijon mustard a riff off the classic “pardon me” commercials that made their product seem so snooty in the first place. “The right to choose condiments freely is quintessentially American and embodies the spirit of our democracy,” reads the release’s tongue-in-cheek interpretation of our national ideals. Heh. Isn’t this so much more fun than not making an issue of how Obama eats his burger?
Obama probably had a laugh and forgot all about it. On the other hand, with Goya beans…
If you’re ever in Madison, WI, you should take a side trip to Middleton to visit the National Mustard Museum (but if you’re flying keep in mind that mustard counts as a liquid and can’t go in your carry-on bag).
If you’re ever in Madison, WI, you should take a side trip to Middleton to visit the National Mustard Museum (but if you’re flying keep in mind that mustard counts as a liquid and can’t go in your carry-on bag).
If you like pie, I recommend a stop at the Hubbard Avenue Diner next door to the museum.
No Apple watch? How yesteryear. :P
“Tan suit” indeed.
Rolex makes good watches. Their claim to fame is based precision, solid engineering, functionality, and sturdiness. They don’t make watches with tons of decorative jewels. Their watches are, of course, ridiculously expensive. I don’t think what watch Biden wears is at all important, but if we’re talking about people being ostentatious, I would think it more ostentatious to wear an expensive piece of jewelry that tells time rather than an expensive high-end functional timepiece. It is ridiculous to insist that people of significant means, like the Bidens, should refrain from using some of the resources they have to buy good-quality clothing, accessories, vehicles, and home items, just because other people can’t afford to buy these things.
There are pictures of Beau Biden with an identical watch on his wrist. Joe may have worn that watch because it belonged to Beau.
Yes, I’ve seen a couple of tweets saying it’s becoming clearer that that was Beau Biden’s watch and the Times is going to have to eat crow.
I don’t want to alarm you guys, but I heard Obama likes mustard… dijon mustard. As opposed to american mustard!!!!
Call me when the Bidens buy a gold plated toilet.
Oh, no! Dijon mustard? How dare he prefer a high quality, good tasting mustard to the cheap bright yellow stuff most Americans think is mustard? How dare he!
Sliver. The word is sliver. Snakes slither, thin slices are slivers.
Another one of those back-corrections for “low-class pronunciation” that wasn’t wrong in the first place.
(Sorry, previous post in response to Sackbut’s quote at #8)
(Sorry, responding to the quote in Sackbut’s post at #8)
Obama probably had a laugh and forgot all about it. On the other hand, with Goya beans…
Of course Obama probably knew and understood the Hatch Act. Trump couldn’t give a shit.
Of course, the only real mustard is English mustard; the rest are just yellow pastes with varying strengths of a vaguely vinegary flavour.
If you’re ever in Madison, WI, you should take a side trip to Middleton to visit the National Mustard Museum (but if you’re flying keep in mind that mustard counts as a liquid and can’t go in your carry-on bag).
What a Maroon:
If you like pie, I recommend a stop at the Hubbard Avenue Diner next door to the museum.
It does mustard pie?
The diner, no. The museum, I don’t know. :-)