Not welcome?

Dang. If ever there’s an issue you’d think would be immune to the Trans Policing & Shunning it would be the Irish church’s persecution of women and children…but nope.

ExCUSE me??? Feminist women “are not welcome” to talk about the Mother and Baby Homes issue? Then who the fuck is? Priests? Popes? Men who play at being women?

Here’s a news flash: men, no matter how intensely they play at being women, remain immune to the kinds of harm done to Irish women and children by the Catholic church. Men don’t get pregnant. It’s that simple. Women have always been treated as permanently under suspicion and probably criminal because women get pregnant. It’s that simple. Men don’t suffer from that disability, and women do, and that’s all there is to it. Men who “identify as” women have nothing to do with this issue, and therefore it’s piling insult on insult to tell feminist women to gtfo of campaigning against the evils the church committed.

Just stop. Get off the train at the next station. Leave it all behind.

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