Mask panic
This is batshit crazy.
Tucker Carlson is now telling his audience to harass people who wear face masks outside.
If they see children wearing masks, Tucker says the response should be no different than when you see a kid being abused — "call the police immediately, contact child protective services"
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) April 27, 2021
The police?!!!!!!!!!!
I’m trying to decide whether this is more or less insane than “we should lock up parents for trying to refer to their daughters as female” or “CPS should be called if parents don’t give their kids puberty blockers”.
Barking mad is the new normal.
Righty tighty, lefty loosey, either way we get screwed.
Wow, clothing is now oppression. That is, clothing worn by person A is oppression of person B. The next thing you know, he’ll be urging his viewers to rip off the religious garb of muslims and- actually, that’s well within character, not even a stretch for him.
@Nullius in Verba #2