Lost in the weeds
We’re calling on President Biden to propose a budget that ensures every body can access abortion care—free from discriminatory restrictions and denial of care policies. That means dropping the Weldon Amendment, and the Hyde Amendment, once and for all. Budgets reflect our priorities, and we need a budget that prioritizes reproductive freedom.

What on earth does “GENDER AFFIRMING CARE” have to do with NARAL? What does NARAL have to do with it? And why, why, WHY is “GENDER AFFIRMING CARE” on a large banner spang in the middle where it catches the eye while “ABORTION CARE” is on a small sign off to the side where the eye misses it?
I’m sure those are rhetorical questions. You probably know the answer.
So, abortion rights becomes another movement that trans activism latches onto for its own, narrow benefit, as it drains the parasitized organization of meaning, and legitimacy.
If my “gender” more or less matches my sex, can I still get “gender-affirming care”?
Planned Parenthood is one of the largest suppliers of cross-sex hormones (I refuse to refer to it as “hormone replacement therapy”) in the US. I’m sure they are not alone among reproductive health businesses.
You mean like if you actually are female, but your breasts are too small (or large or whatever) to match the impossible beauty standards of the culture, and therefore you don’t feel comfortable as a female, and you want them to fund breast enlargement or reduction or whatever?
Well, yes, though I’m a male, so adjust accordingly.