It’s your own fault, bitch
Dang, says it all.
Tweet one says an African woman at the FILIA conference is talking about her experience of rape and ethnic cleansing, while “protesters” outside are shouting and drowning her out. The “protesters” at the conference were trans activists and allies who want to force women to be “inclusive” of trans women, i.e. men who call themselves women, in everything women do. This noble cause of forcing women to include men in everything we do drowned out the words of an African woman talking about rape and ethnic cleansing. Their trivial and unreasonable grievance over not being allowed to grab everything that belongs to women drowned out genuine and hideous violations of women’s rights in Africa.
The egomania of it is suffocating. And this “Steph” says if only FILIA were reasonable the egomaniacs wouldn’t have been punishing them. Sounds so familiar.
So Steph, a trans woman, is being rather selective about ‘reasonable’ there, to state the obvious. Even looking at their twitter feed, the coverage of the trans protestors is absolutely sanitised. No pictures of dicks drawn on pavements. No record or admission of the vile misogynstic abuse towards women. The best they can do is come up with “Yeah we shouted down a black woman talking about rape and ethnic cleansing because you lot hurt our feelings.” It’s pretty fucking weak sauce, not to mention dishonest. And the thing is, they know they are being dishonest. Their twitter repeatedly says if you plan to come to cause offence, don’t – not in my name. yet, no mention of the fact that very obviously a lot of trans people and their allies did exactly that. presumably not really Scottish trans(wo)men.
It’s very “nice feminist conference you’ve got there, shame if something happened to it”, isn’t it?
So is this African woman one of those white feminists that TRAs so bravely oppose?