Might be worth people contacting the uni about this if concerned. Can't see where you can direct central complaints but might be worth tagging @unimelb or contacting the Dean of Arts @FrenchProfessor. Must come a point where "academic freedom" doesn't trump hate speech (surely!)?
One wonders what women’s speech will be allowed to remain after all the “hate speech” is stopped by trans activists. Since apparently, even collecting stories is verboten.
I honestly think those advocating for this kind utopia have no idea what they’re actually asking for, and would never want to live there.
None seem to have put actual thought into how someone such as a disabled woman, or religiously observant DV survivor, or infirm dementia sufferer, or child sex abuse survivor, to name but a few, might manage and be cared for in this Brave New World they claim to want and are fighting to establish.
The question thus becomes: Why, and how, do we regard many men’s potentially hurt feelings as so important, so sacrosanct? And, relatedly, why do we regard women as so responsible for protecting and ministering to them?
I honestly think those advocating for this kind utopia have no idea what they’re actually asking for, and would never want to live there.
I tend to agree. It’s short-term thinking, in those cases where thinking is involved at all. It’s burning one witch at a time without stopping to wonder why they never seem to run out of witches.
I’m pretty sure that the only reason I haven’t been banned from Twitter yet is that I’m such a small target. I don’t know how many followers I have, but it’ll be a couple of hundred or so at most, I expect. I get reported for rampant TERFitude from time to time but I don’t think I’ve been mass reported, so I’m not on anyone’s radar*. But as the more highly-profiled terven are kicked off, the bar gets lower and it seems like only a matter of time. This kind of self-adjusting bar is why they’ll never run out of witches and it should terrify anyone who has thought about it for more than an instant.
* Either that or the TAs really like pictures of my cat.
I don’t suppose Facebook did anything as useful as explain why they jailed you?
I don’t book faces and I’ve only been suspended from Twitter once, years ago, and for reasons unrelated to the current palaver. It was due to a technical violation of the rules on my part, though, while people were making threats against me and my family. They didn’t get suspended for the threats and generally awful behaviour so I suppose it was a presentment of things to come, even if robotically algorithmic rather than ideological in nature.
As I recall, Ophelia got told off about it, too, for supposedly welcoming me back to Twitter (she didn’t) when I’m obviously such a horribly reprehensible character, undeserving of welcome.
This kind of self-adjusting bar is why they’ll never run out of witches and it should terrify anyone who has thought about it for more than an instant.
Exactly. As I keep repeating, I happen to know for a fact that many of these people have said things that could get them labelled as TERFs and demonized any time, indeed things for which they themselves have already demonized others as TERFs. E.g. I have personally been referred to as both “man” and “him” by “trans allies” who couldn’t possibly know anything about my “inner sense of self”. I have also heard people like that discuss the Bechdel Test and how this or that movie only had X “women” in it, when the movie in question didn’t offer any clue about the persons “gender identity” (her biological sex was obvious enough though). Many of these same people would say things like “douches are really bad for women”, talk of abortion rights, sexual harassment etc. as “women’s issues”, and write approvingly of Cordelia Fine’s “Delusions of Gender”. Any talk of “boy-brains” vs. “girl-brains” would get you labelled as an “evo-psych cook”, which, just like “TERF” these days, meant that anything you had to say on any topic for the rest of your life could be dismissed without any further examination. I also remember at least one of them fawning over Barry Schwarz’s “The Paradox of Choice”, although, in Schwarz’s TED-talk about that book* (recommended btw.), he briefly displays a cartoon of a mother telling a guest something like “we don’t believe in pressuring the children. When the time is right, they will choose the appropriate gender”, clearly meant as a reductio ad absurdum of the idea that everything is a matter of choice. The list is practically endless.
So, given how many of their own previous views have gone from “obvious” to “thoughtcrime” in less than ten years, what I would like to know is how they can be so confident that their current views will not be thoughtcrime in another ten years. In fact, even if they don’t actually hold any heretical views, how can they be so confident that something they said will not be taken out of context, distorted beyond recognizability and taken as conclusive proof of wrongthink? What about having words put into their mouths by others that may not even be a reasonable interpretation of anything they said but are non the less taken as proof of hatecrime beyond any possible doubt? By their very own standards they have utterly deprived themselves of the right to object to such a treatment. It’s always worth paying attentions to how your current bedfellows treat former allies that have fallen out of favor, because that’s how they will be treating you when it’s your turn.
*I’m belive the same cartoon was included in the book as well, but can’t verify it here and now.
Fist bumps all around, martyrs for The Cause and role models of courage and conviction. I’m not on Facebook or Twitter, but am dancing on the edge of the ban hammer on at least one blog I’ve a long history with. Truth to power. Every little bit matters. Etc.
The reason they’re unlikely to peak because of the surprising fact that they “never run out of witches” is that it’s not surprising if you consider the witches to be “hate-filled bigots “ — and consider Western civilization to be an aggressive ideology created in order to support and perpetrate hatred of the marginalized. Witches will therefore magically appear whenever and wherever human rights are advancing. No debate about any of those “rights” will be tolerated from the Wicked. They know what we really want.
I have also heard people like that discuss the Bechdel Test and how this or that movie only had X “women” in it, when the movie in question didn’t offer any clue about the persons “gender identity” (her biological sex was obvious enough though).
Alison Bechdel has apparently drunk the gender Kool-Aid.
Academic freedom means only hearing a single POV.
One wonders what women’s speech will be allowed to remain after all the “hate speech” is stopped by trans activists. Since apparently, even collecting stories is verboten.
I honestly think those advocating for this kind utopia have no idea what they’re actually asking for, and would never want to live there.
None seem to have put actual thought into how someone such as a disabled woman, or religiously observant DV survivor, or infirm dementia sufferer, or child sex abuse survivor, to name but a few, might manage and be cared for in this Brave New World they claim to want and are fighting to establish.
Well there’s Black Lives Matter (which despite what some think does not imply that others don’t)
Then Trans Lives Matter in which it is quite implicit that no one else’s does… Be an ally or die, pretty much.
We must protect trans from this sort of hate speech.
I’ve just begun reading Kate Manne’s “Entitled” and had to stop right here, on page 52.
Sums up the TRA/MRA clique to a T.
I expect go daddy will be on board with whatever the TRAs ask for. If the ad with the guy with pink hair and the name “Miranda” is anything to go by.
I tend to agree. It’s short-term thinking, in those cases where thinking is involved at all. It’s burning one witch at a time without stopping to wonder why they never seem to run out of witches.
I’m pretty sure that the only reason I haven’t been banned from Twitter yet is that I’m such a small target. I don’t know how many followers I have, but it’ll be a couple of hundred or so at most, I expect. I get reported for rampant TERFitude from time to time but I don’t think I’ve been mass reported, so I’m not on anyone’s radar*. But as the more highly-profiled terven are kicked off, the bar gets lower and it seems like only a matter of time. This kind of self-adjusting bar is why they’ll never run out of witches and it should terrify anyone who has thought about it for more than an instant.
* Either that or the TAs really like pictures of my cat.
Latsot, I’m in facebook jail for 7 days for posting this:
I don’t suppose Facebook did anything as useful as explain why they jailed you?
I don’t book faces and I’ve only been suspended from Twitter once, years ago, and for reasons unrelated to the current palaver. It was due to a technical violation of the rules on my part, though, while people were making threats against me and my family. They didn’t get suspended for the threats and generally awful behaviour so I suppose it was a presentment of things to come, even if robotically algorithmic rather than ideological in nature.
As I recall, Ophelia got told off about it, too, for supposedly welcoming me back to Twitter (she didn’t) when I’m obviously such a horribly reprehensible character, undeserving of welcome.
Exactly. As I keep repeating, I happen to know for a fact that many of these people have said things that could get them labelled as TERFs and demonized any time, indeed things for which they themselves have already demonized others as TERFs. E.g. I have personally been referred to as both “man” and “him” by “trans allies” who couldn’t possibly know anything about my “inner sense of self”. I have also heard people like that discuss the Bechdel Test and how this or that movie only had X “women” in it, when the movie in question didn’t offer any clue about the persons “gender identity” (her biological sex was obvious enough though). Many of these same people would say things like “douches are really bad for women”, talk of abortion rights, sexual harassment etc. as “women’s issues”, and write approvingly of Cordelia Fine’s “Delusions of Gender”. Any talk of “boy-brains” vs. “girl-brains” would get you labelled as an “evo-psych cook”, which, just like “TERF” these days, meant that anything you had to say on any topic for the rest of your life could be dismissed without any further examination. I also remember at least one of them fawning over Barry Schwarz’s “The Paradox of Choice”, although, in Schwarz’s TED-talk about that book* (recommended btw.), he briefly displays a cartoon of a mother telling a guest something like “we don’t believe in pressuring the children. When the time is right, they will choose the appropriate gender”, clearly meant as a reductio ad absurdum of the idea that everything is a matter of choice. The list is practically endless.
So, given how many of their own previous views have gone from “obvious” to “thoughtcrime” in less than ten years, what I would like to know is how they can be so confident that their current views will not be thoughtcrime in another ten years. In fact, even if they don’t actually hold any heretical views, how can they be so confident that something they said will not be taken out of context, distorted beyond recognizability and taken as conclusive proof of wrongthink? What about having words put into their mouths by others that may not even be a reasonable interpretation of anything they said but are non the less taken as proof of hatecrime beyond any possible doubt? By their very own standards they have utterly deprived themselves of the right to object to such a treatment. It’s always worth paying attentions to how your current bedfellows treat former allies that have fallen out of favor, because that’s how they will be treating you when it’s your turn.
*I’m belive the same cartoon was included in the book as well, but can’t verify it here and now.
Fist bumps all around, martyrs for The Cause and role models of courage and conviction. I’m not on Facebook or Twitter, but am dancing on the edge of the ban hammer on at least one blog I’ve a long history with. Truth to power. Every little bit matters. Etc.
The reason they’re unlikely to peak because of the surprising fact that they “never run out of witches” is that it’s not surprising if you consider the witches to be “hate-filled bigots “ — and consider Western civilization to be an aggressive ideology created in order to support and perpetrate hatred of the marginalized. Witches will therefore magically appear whenever and wherever human rights are advancing. No debate about any of those “rights” will be tolerated from the Wicked. They know what we really want.
Will no one rid me of this turbulent
priestwoman?Alison Bechdel has apparently drunk the gender Kool-Aid.
When I see constructions such as
I can’t help but think that some people would do well to focus more on their education and less on the policing of other people.